CC Self-Assessment – Foundations of Mathematics 11

In FOM11, we did a budgeting project. Here were the questions to answer in the self-reflection part of the project.


1. Which core competencies did you use for this project?

The core competency I used for this project was critical thinking. I can use my observations, experience, and imagination to draw conclusions and make judgement. I was able to look at different websites and items and decipher which one would be best based on my needs and budget. I think this helped me compare and find the best options to keep in my budget while also not diminishing my (imaginary) quality of life by having at least all the basic needs and some money left over for things I might need/want in the future.

2. Which core competencies do you want to work on further?

The core competency I want to work on further is my personal and cultural identity. I don’t think I know myself a ton, hence why what I want to spend the extra money on is vague and very open ended. I have trouble being able to explain specific things that interest me and what I like and dislike. I think having a stronger sense of self will help me in the future to determine if a want is an impulse buy, or something that fits my values and makes me feel better. As I said, I usually don’t spend a lot of money, but I don’t think I can get away with that once I am out of my house.

3. Name one challenge you had with this project. How did you overcome this challenge?

One challenge I had during this project was finding a car. I was especially having trouble with the model year limit of 2015 since a lot of then that I found were either older but attainable (in location-wise) or within the limit but further away. A way I overcame this challenge was my setting filters on the website that fit my needs so that there were less options that didn’t work out.


My goal for this class is to understand the basics of math and have a stronger understanding of why math is important after I graduate.

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