CC Self Assessment – FRIMM (Peer Tutoring) 11

I maintain relationships with people from different generations.

  • With help from the teacher, I am able to interact with the students I am helping in a way that helps us connect as friends rather than seeming like a threat to them. In saying this, I am also able to have them respect me and listen to me because I treat them this way. They don’t view me as someone they should disobey to get revenge, rather they see me as someone to connect with that can also help them in the class and is there to enforce rules as well.

CC Self Assessment – Photography 12

I can get new ideas, build on, or combine other people’s ideas to create new things within the constraints of a form, a problem, or materials.

  • During photography projects, I see a lot of examples on the website, which really help me with all the different projects. I am able to take those ideas and not copy it, but instead use it to generate new ideas and build on those other photographs, taking some of those concepts in the project or even another project, and using it to help create my own photographs and helping me develop my skills as a photographer by using different concepts and techniques I see from others.

CC Self Assessment – Français 12

I can show if I like something or not.
I am able to show if I like something or not through this project since we were supposed to take a side. Although the subject was something I was on the fence or not, I was still able to clearly show the side I was on. Also, for the other presentations I was able to show through my questions that I was on the opposite side of the presenters and ask in depth questions to get them to think about their topic.

– What was the most challenging element of the debate project for you personally? Did you overcome that challenge and if so, how did you do so?
I think the presentation was the most difficult part for me. There was a lot of anxiety surrounding it, especially since we were going first. Moreover, there was the part where others got to ask us questions and that was really difficult to deal with. I enjoy having something I am able to practice and something I can generally follow, so that was not a possibility with the questions. Although we did prepare some questions, playing devils advocate for ourselves and one of the questions were asked by M. Tao and it was about how MAID for only mental health conditions will be avaliable in the future and I was glad it was asked because then I was able to solidify that we were not talking about that, and that we did not agree with that part. We were for MAID only for physical illnesses.

– How did this project (as presenter or listener) change your perspectives?
I think for a lot of the different subjects I saw a perspective I didn’t see before and got a lot of different information that I didn’t know before. A lot of the subjects were really the side I was on, but a few weren’t. As a presenter, I was really on the fence about MAID before I learned more about it. Although there are certain areas I’m uncertain about still, I think I have a more in depth perspective and understand how for some people it might be a good thing.

– What were you most proud of in your project?
My last paragraph probably and all the research we did. Although at the end we were told that the first two subjects weren’t what we were supposed to do, I still think we did a lot of research on them. And for my last paragraph, I was grateful to be able to find multiple stories and be able to recount them in a respectful and informative manner while also continuing to support our argument and side of the debate.

CC Self Assessment – Art Studio 12

In Art Studio 12, I had to do an altered book. This was a big project that went through the semester.

I can get new ideas in areas in which I have an interest and build my skills to make them work. I am able to work with new materials and have ideas when I gain an interest in that area of work. The altered needed to have a lot of passion since it was a long project, and therefore I had many ideas. It was also a ton of new areas of art I had to work with, so it was a lot of different skills I had to work on and build throughout this journey.

My goal for this class was to learn more about the 3D aspects of art and less of just drawing and painting, so all the collages and lino print and such.

Another goal is to experiment with different types of mediums and learn how to use them.

CC Self-Assessment – Earth Sciences 11


I can get new ideas in areas in which I have an interest and build my skills to make them work.

In ES11, the astronomy unit, the first one, was one of my favorites since I have always been interested in space and things that come with that. Through my interest, I was able to work well on projects and assignments by understanding and building on my previous knowledge that I had before. I can work well with my peers since I am enthusiastic about the topic and very willing to participate.


My goal for this class is to prepare myself for next year if I get into astrology and also expand on my learning about the Earth since last year I didn’t quite understand everything I learned.

CC Self-Assessment – Animation 12

I can examine my thinking, seek feedback, reassess my work, and adjust.

In this class, I asked a lot of questions to my teacher and peers about my work. Art is a very subjective subject, and I know as an artist that looking at a piece for too long makes me pick out every little detail that is wrong with it, so I had to look for outside perspectives and adjust if needed before I moved on. If I was to continue adjusting and only use my perspective, I would not be able to get anything done because I would be stuck in a loop of fixing and finding another issue. I need to learn to accept something even if it is not perfect.

CC Self-Assessment – Photography 11

I can usually make my ideas work within the constraints of a given form, problem, or materials if I keep playing with them.

I was a bit hesitant to use the cameras at first, especially since there were a lot of rules around them. And also I didn’t quite understand everything and all the settings, but the more I was able to use them and play around with them, I was able to understand how to adjust the settings to fit what I want my photo to be. I also worked very well with the time constraints in this class because I am a quick worker. Even if I had trouble and wasn’t able to get my idea executed, I still got my work turned in on time.

CC Self-Assessment – Foundations of Mathematics 11

In FOM11, we did a budgeting project. Here were the questions to answer in the self-reflection part of the project.


1. Which core competencies did you use for this project?

The core competency I used for this project was critical thinking. I can use my observations, experience, and imagination to draw conclusions and make judgement. I was able to look at different websites and items and decipher which one would be best based on my needs and budget. I think this helped me compare and find the best options to keep in my budget while also not diminishing my (imaginary) quality of life by having at least all the basic needs and some money left over for things I might need/want in the future.

2. Which core competencies do you want to work on further?

The core competency I want to work on further is my personal and cultural identity. I don’t think I know myself a ton, hence why what I want to spend the extra money on is vague and very open ended. I have trouble being able to explain specific things that interest me and what I like and dislike. I think having a stronger sense of self will help me in the future to determine if a want is an impulse buy, or something that fits my values and makes me feel better. As I said, I usually don’t spend a lot of money, but I don’t think I can get away with that once I am out of my house.

3. Name one challenge you had with this project. How did you overcome this challenge?

One challenge I had during this project was finding a car. I was especially having trouble with the model year limit of 2015 since a lot of then that I found were either older but attainable (in location-wise) or within the limit but further away. A way I overcame this challenge was my setting filters on the website that fit my needs so that there were less options that didn’t work out.


My goal for this class is to understand the basics of math and have a stronger understanding of why math is important after I graduate.

CC Self-Assessment – Studio Arts 2D 11

In Studio Arts 2D 11, we had a project that the prompt was trees. For this project, I decided to do a constellation with acrylic paint

I build the skills I need to make my ideas work, and usually succeed, even if it takes a few tries.

For this painting, there were specific spots I had to make for the stars. I first measured my sketch and scaled it up to the size of my good copy canvas, but some of the dots were off so I freehanded the parts that didn’t look right until I liked it. After that, I realized it was going to be difficult to keep the spaces needed uncovered/visible since it would be the last thing I painted. I worked around this by taping a piece of tape and marking the dots with paint so they transfer to the paper. After this, I painted my background before I dotted the dots that were on the paper with white and pressed it down on my canvas. It was the first time I did something like this, but it worked and I am very proud of that painting.


My goal for this class was to improve my skills with my paintings, especially acrylic paintings, and become more experimental with my work. I also wanted to find a style I enjoyed when drawing so I can continue doing art and not get too frustrated while doing it. In addition to this, I wanted to not worry about my mistakes and my art being perfect too much for this class.

CC Self-Assessment – Études Cinéma et Littérature Francophone 11

In French 11 we had to create a short film. This was the trailer for our short film.

I can evaluate and use well-chosen evidence to develop interpretations; identify alternatives, perspectives, and implications; and make judgments. I can examine and adjust my thinking.

During the trailer, there were a lot of different issues we faced, especially with time and places we needed to shoot. I used this core competency because it was a group project, so I had to collaborate with my peers which is seeking feedback. I also needed to reassess my work and adjust when there were shots we couldn’t film or we didn’t have time for, so I had to adjust the trailer and the plan we had to fit what we were able to do. I could have definitely improved in my editing skills and the trailer in general if we had more time to work on it and we had the places we needed to shoot for longer, but I worked with what we had to create a final product.

I can recognize my strengths and take responsibility for using strategies to focus, manage stress, and accomplish my goals.

For this, I think I need to grow in this area, especially with how I manage stress because I don’t think I do it very well and I end up reflecting that on other people. I also would like to try and see my strengths more since, for example when I got a lower grade than I wanted on a test, I only was able to view it as a failure and what I got wrong instead of how I got through the situation as well as the parts I did good on.