Hello, my name is Brennan James and I did my Community Connection assignment on my head hockey coach. He coaches 14 players including me and has been doing so for 6 years now. I chose to interview him because he is someone that inspires me at hockey, and in life in general. He has shaped my mentality on sports with a stern but proper view of hockey. I learned more about his day and how he juggles life on top of hockey and coaching me, and others. This connects to my passions and interest because I love playing hockey and seeing somebody who is supplying knowledge for free, all for the love of hockey and helping others. My coach is perfect for succeeding in hockey, and increasing your longevity.
Here I would like to point out the selflessness and passion he has towards others and helping other people in something he finds awesome. He strives for challenge, rejects laziness and a weak mindset.
This opportunity opened up a different perspective on my coach and how he works to live, and help others. I think others should strive to accomplish selflessness and the accomplishments my hockey coach has. This has made us connect to a higher level and understand each others purpose on why we work hard on different things. This was a meaning full experience to me and him.