Blog Log #2

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Injury in Kid’s Sports

I read an article about the risks that are coming to the surface in modern-day organized sports for youth. The article detailed how as of recent years, children’s sports are becoming more competitive and there is a lot more pressure on the players. Many more kids are getting hurt because they play one sport year round, instead of choosing to play multiple sports and taking a few breaks between seasons. Something that I learned from this essay is that you can injure your muscles a lot easier during puberty and as a child because you’re still growing. I chose to read up on this subject because I see a lot of my peers getting torn ACLs from soccer. This shocks me because it is not normal to need knee surgery at age 16. These injuries affect your body for the rest of your life. Realistically, almost no one who plays recreational sports as a teen will go on to play professionally. So there are a disproportionate amount of kids hurting themselves for no real reason. The level of commitment required to play in most clubs is so high that even those who don’t take their sport as seriously are at risk of getting injured from repetitive movements.

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