Digital Footprint


How might your digital footprint

affect your future opportunities?

Give at least two examples.

Your digital footprint could affect your future because employers will now look up their applicants to find out more personal information about them. So, if you’ve posted things that are controversial or inappropriate you could be denied a job position.

Image result for professional man at computer

Your digital footprint could also affect your love life! If someone is interested in you, nowadays they will inevitably look you up. If you’ve got undesirable things posted they may choose not to pursue you!


Describe at least three strategies

that you can use to keep your

digital footprint appropriate and


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The first thing you can do to keep yourself safe online is to set your profiles to private. Doing this allows you to manage who can see your posts and who can direct message you.

Another precaution to take is to create secure passwords and always log out of your accounts once you’re done using them. That way it’s harder for people to impersonate you online or for hackers to access your information.

In order to maintain an appropriate digital profile you should make sure to follow the guidelines put in place by the app or site. Things that are generally not permitted such as nudity, coarse language and promoting drug use should be avoided.

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What information did you learn

that you would pass on to other

students? How would you go

about telling them?

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I learned that everything you do online is recorded, which is actually pretty creepy if you think about it…

It makes me wonder if my digital footprint is more extensive than I’d originally thought!

Image result for teens talking to each other

I would communicate this to my peers by bringing it up in conversation whenever the topic had anything to do with digital technology.

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