Dear, George Heyman
My name is Brandon and I am in the 9th grade, I researched about Clear-Cutting forests and the Forests Service. Firstly I’ll talk to you about What Clear-Cutting is. Clear-Cutting is a logging technique that can severely damage the forest’s ecosystem. It involves in huge machinery which can damage the soils in the ground for more trees to grow. This can cause extinction of animals, extract all the moisture in the ground, dry out leaves which can lead to wildfires in the area. This is a huge issue for growth of trees and other living animals in the area because when they cut down the trees there is no shade in the area which only lets the sun to to hit the ground which can cause wildfires in the dried up grass. The Forest Service are trying to balance out on how many trees are cut per clear cut. In the Timber Industry they raged to President Bush for making the proposal that he created. The annual Timber Yield grew from 3.5 billion board feet of trees cut to 8.3 billion board-feet during the 1950s. And they then spiked to a over 12 billions board feet in the late 80s. Over the year this has gotton terribly worse by almost trippling the amount, they have cut down over 32 billion in 2022. As you can see this certainly is not the best way for a energy source. In conclusion, clearcutting has significant environmental consequences, including the loss of our ecosystem, animals and other living thing. The Forest Service faces challenges in finding a balance in Clear-Cutting, and the practice of Clear-Cutting has been linked to the destruction of habitats and wildlife, soil damage, and uncontrollable Timber Yields. While there are benefits, the disadvantages of clearcutting have more of a worse impact in this world. In the future I do not see clear cutting be even in exsistence and we will find a better way and a more eco friendly way to produce energy.
Essential Question
What does the future look like with Clear-Cutting Forests
1) What questions did you need to research in order to create your sway?
What is Clear-Cutting?
What are some of the challenges that Forest service faces?
Will clear cutting destroy wildlife and other living things in forests?
How much trees are they cutting? Are they cutting too much?
What are the benefits of clear cutting forests?
What are the disadvantages of clear cutting forests?
How much does it cost to clear cut a forest?
2) What new or familiar digital tools did you try to use as you worked through this project?
In the past in my English class I used Gale Power Search before so, it was a lot easier and quicker for me to use. When I was researching using Gale it was kind of tough for me because if I were to search it up on Google I would get my answer immeaditately, but with Gale I throughly had to read through the article to find the best information possible.
3) What was the process you used to investigate the topic and how did you verify and cite the information you found?
For the project I used Gale Power Search for 75% of it but the other 25% I used other resources to find information about my topic. I would verify the information by looking it up on a different website and see if the information on the Gale was the same as the other resource. Some of the articles that I looked at were not accurate and I was a bit shocked on the amount of the articles that were not accurate. So I was only able to find around 3-4 good resources from Gale.
4) How did the process of completing this challenge go? What could you have done better?
Honestly the only thing that was the hardest part for me was reading the article because I don’t like to read. But after I looked through the article I think I found good point on clear cutting and have a better understanding on Clear-Cutting.