Science 9 Electric House Project

In this project my peers and I built a house with 2 rooms, and has both a parrell circuit and a series circuit inside the house. The whole house had to be lit up with a single 9 volt battery. My group went through many struggles on how to wire the light bulbs up because the wiring would keep on tangling with the other wires so, my group and I mainly focused on keeping the wires tidy and not tangled up.


While my group and I were connecting wires around the home, we discovered that the wires frequently get tangled together, making it difficult to stay organised and on top of our house. This made it difficult for us to follow the wires to the light bulbs since we frequently got the wires tangled up with each other, preventing us from finishing this job efficiently and in an ordered manner. We collaborated to develop a wire holder using a 3D printer to tackle this problem.




My group and I wanted to create something simple, easy to print, and functional. We had a lot of issues with our light bulbs, cables, and circuits, so we did some brainstorming to find out what we needed to correct and how we could design it for the best results. I discovered that when we collaborated and used each other’s perspectives and ideas, we were able to come up with a solution that would be ideal for our project, so we began to develop it.



After my group and I decided that the main problems on our house were the wiring and we designed a long rectangle with two long holes extending to top for the series circuit and three holes for the parrell circuit. The wires will thread through the holes to create more space and help us stay organized. Overall, I think the 3D printing experience for our design was pretty smooth, except that printing was a bit difficult at first and we ran into some technical issues. Once that was sorted, we managed to 3D print it and collect it later that day to hook it up to our wire and add it to our project.

Another thing that my group and I 3d printed was a battery holder. While doing the project our battery kept on falling over and not staying in place so I 3d printed a battery holder that we can hot glue onto the back of the house close with all the wiring. One problem we discovered was when there is a big gap in our print it need something that is called supports. A 3D print support bascially is a structure created within a 3D printed model to support an overhang or intricate part of a printed object. During the 3D printing process, the printer builds the model layer by layer. If your model has overhangs or gaps that are not supported by the layers below, this can cause the print to fail or be distorted.

To prevent this, support structures are added to the model in areas that require additional support. These supports act as scaffolding and hold the print in place until the print is complete. After you have finished printing, you can snap or cut the support and remove it. There are many types of support structures that can be added to your 3D print, including tree supports, lattice supports, and solid supports. The type of support used depends on the complexity of the model and the material used to print it.



Overall, I had a wonderful experience working with my group on the tinkercad design and circuit project, which we successfully completed within our house. We worked effectively together and everyone contributed to the project. We were able to keep organised and fulfil our deadline thanks to our sensible decision to construct a 3D-printed wire holder. In retrospect, we may have improved by making more wire holders, as we had to manage more wires than expected. And making the battery holder to hold the battery in place. Despite the difficulties, I found the experience to be both pleasant and enlightening. In the future I would definitly want to do this project again and maybe even a more difficult task to solve.


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