October 30

Newton’s Laws

Newton’s first law :

objects at rest tend to stay at rest. So this tennis ball here is not moving it was at rest and is staying at rest unless another source applies force.

Newton’s first law wouldn’t always apply to this if another force applies itself to make it accelerate or if it’s moving down a friction less surface.

In the video there are no unbalanced forces so nothing will change in the law.

Newton’s second law.

f=ma. force is equal to mass times acceleration. In this example we rolled a ball across the floor and we found that the lighter the mass the easier it was to accelerate the object. As you can see in the video we barely pushed the ball and it had quite a bit of speed. Newton’s second law wouldn’t always apply if the mass is constantly changing like a snowball rolling down a snowy hill is gaining mass.

Newton’s third law, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. As you can see in the video when the ball falls to the ground the ground reacts and pushes the ball back up now if those were the only variables then the ball would have bounced back up to where it originally was but since there is gravity that pushes the ball back down the reaction is significantly reduced. Newton’s third law wouldn’t apply when there is no gravity.

I found that the first and second laws are very similar because in both of them they would either stay at rest or in motion unless acted upon.