April 21

My Blender Project

Blender Scene

In my project I created and animated a toy in blender. I made a toy truck that drove around the road and was loosing the blocks in the back of his truck. At the end all the blocks ended up falling out and the truck fell over.

During this project it was my first time ever using blender so pretty much everything we did was new to me. But the things that stood out to me were learning how to shape a terrain  using certain tools and getting my camera to follow the truck.

I really enjoyed making the scene in my project. It took me some time to get the hang of it but I think it turned out really successful. I am proud of what I made but, I think the textures could have been better but they were decent for the level of skill I am at for this program.

April 21

My Photoshop Movie Poster


In this project I put in many skills into this project from learning how to change the opacity and burn things to making text glow. I used many photoshop tools to make it look like “Rey” was holding a light saber. And how I put myself in the poster.

While making this project I learned how to properly burn objects and fix the glow of light sabers so they don’t shine to bright but aren’t so dark..

In this project I really enjoyed taking a picture of myself and making it so I look like a Jedi Sith.

February 17

Scratch Movie Scene


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Link above

I chose to recreate this movie because it was one of my favorite childhood movies of all-time. For its time it was a very interesting concept for the human race and I found it super funny!

Because I learned how to make sprites appear and disappear it made it way easier to finish this project on time.

When making this movie I learned how to put my voice in the movie! I used sounds as voice memos which made it easier for me.

During the making of this project it was lots of fun recording my voice and making the sounds, I was with my little brother and we were just laughing and laughing listening to my homemade sound affects!


February 5

My Scratch Project

My game is called Bouncy Bullet, the base of the game is to shoot down the targets, but as in  the name of the game I force in some invisible walls and make it so you have to bank shot the bullets. But watch out on where you shoot because you do not want to shoot yourself. I have 3 levels and a victory level. All levels are possible but the last one has a 10% clear rate. It is very hard because even if you knock down the target you can still die.

What you did to make it? I had to use the hide and show feature a lot in this game, it took me awhile to understand how to perfect the game. The most challenging part was trying to code the bullet and make it bounce off everything.

In the end I learned how to make objects disappear and reappear when backgrounds switch, how to make a object bounce off of a sprite and how to embed a game.


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