June 15

Poetry 11 Assignment

Image result for children arguing



Was It Worth It?


A disagreement between two people

They bring their friends who share their opinions

Now on this playing ground they show their evil

Launching their thoughts like cannons and machines with big engines

They argue and argue for months without rest

Hurting their friends as much as the others

Maybe this wasn’t for the best

But the days are warming and bringing summers colours

So, one friend surrenders and admits his wrong doings

The other happily accepts and now so joyously

The winner had grown wings

but the bells rings and it’s back to work, the end of his royalty



War is child’s play. In Brandon Henricksen’s Poem “Was It Worth It” we can see a theme of war and children arguing at school. Henricksen’s poem has a great theme and insight into real life with its metaphors and other devices.

Was It Worth It is a poem that goes over the theme of war and its immaturity. Brandon Henricksen’s poem relies on interpretation for the children playing because it is not so clear. The main hint the reader gets of this being about children is the last line in the poem “but the bells ring and it’s back to work”. This line is showing the reader how no matter what happened it was not worth it because it will just be back to reality and now having to mourn for the lost ones. There is also a huge understatement on war in this poem by saying “Hurting their friends” and how the whole poem is literally about children fighting and making death sound lighter and fighting not as bad.

Was It Worth It contains many metaphors with war and how people poorly go about how they feel and their thoughts by “Launching they thoughts like cannons” what Brandon Henricksen is trying to say is how everyone has their own opinion and stance on things and they show that they disagree with that person’s ideals by attacking them. But the way Henricksen brings this to life is by saying the cannon shoots thoughts out. This poem has a great universality to it because

December 17

Week 14 in precalc 11

This week in math 11 we just started factoring. So far factoring seems pretty easy but we haven’t gotten into addition or subtraction and we also haven’t gotten ‘ugly’ fractions. The reason multiplying and dividing is easier than adding and subtracting is you don’t need a common denominator and it’s easier to combine like terms. In this equation all you have to do is simplify  all the like terms and to make the division work with the other equations you flip the equation upside down. Once we simplify it out we are left with 5c + 6d in the numerator and 1 in the denominator and so the final answer is 5c + 6d.


December 6

Week 13 in precalc 11

This week in precalc 11 we started chapter 8 and learned about solving absolute value equations. This chapter is very similar to chapter 2 with absolute values and radicals but, without the radicals. This is the first chapter where we need to write two equations to find an answer. The reason we need two equations is because since the equation has an absolute value you can’t graph it into the negative y axis. So, it will bounce off the Y axis and go in a reflection.

December 4

Wave interference

This is a Constructive wave. This wave occurs when two crests or troughs cross paths. What happens is the crests or troughs grow twice as big from the original and once they move past they are back to normal.

Constructive Wave

This is a Destructive wave, this happens when a crest and trough pass through each other. The crest and trough waves will cancel out and become a straight line and then resume as a crest and trough.

Destructive Wave

Finally we attempted a standing wave. We were not very successful with our circumstances so I will link a proper standing wave. A standing wave occurs when they have the same amplitude and wavelength. Here is a proper standing wave :

and here is our attempt :

Standing wave (attempt)

Obviously we had many factors that made us fail this attempt but I understand now how it works and I think I could get it to work under the right circumstances.

December 3

Exploring Waves LAB

Periodic Wave :

Like the pulse wave a periodic wave is the same thing but in a continuous motion.


Pulse wave :

A singular wave, a pulse. A pulse wave is a single disturbance.


Transverse wave :

A transverse wave is a wave that moves in right angles of it’s propagation.

IMG-1415 (1)-281b1gm

Longitudinal wave :

This wave is like the transverse wave but moving in the way it was propagating.

IMG-1413 (2)-13ei4sn

November 28

The Physics of a Catapult

The catapult is an invention made by the ruler of Syracuse, Dionysius the Elder. It was made in 400 BC, it was a weapon for war. It was used in many wars until around the 14th century. Because when the 14th century came around they had invented gun powder and so they could make guns and cannons that could fire way faster and harder. The catapult became very quickly obsolete. However, Dionysius did make the mangonel there were other versions of this catapult. The Romans made a catapult called the ballista. The ballista was different because it was made like a giant crossbow. It would fire giant arrows and stakes. There was also the trebuchet made in 300 BC by the Chinese. A trebuchet uses a counter weight and gravity to fire the weapon while the other two use elastic force.

Day 1 : We drafted how we wanted the catapult to look and how we will make it.

Day 2: We changed our draft up a bit and started gathering necessary materials for the project

Day 3: We started to actually make the catapult. We ran into a slight calculation error. We hadn’t adjusted for the impact of the launch arm for when it hits the crossbar resulting in the crossbar breaking.

Day 4: We screwed in some pieces that were loose (like the crossbar). The screws really helped with the integrity of the catapult. We also test launched the catapult and it made good distance.

Our catapult worked with elastic forces. (you can see the red circle). We made the catapult out of wood and had a cylinder that would swivel to shoot the arm. To shoot the catapult we pulled back the arm(blue) and the elastics (red) would shoot it back up and when that would happen a projectile would shoot out of the basket(blue). A problem with the catapult is that the efficiency is not 100% because of the sound that it lets out and because it recoils and moves.

November 28

Week 12 in precalc 11

This week in precalc 11 we fiinished learning graphing linear and quadratic inequalities. The first thing you need to know is how to graph the line. If your equation says less than or greater than it will be a dotted line. If it is less than / greater than or equal to, you will have a solid line. Once you have drawn your dotted or solid line you have to figure out what side to shade. This is quite simple as ou just shade in the side that has the answers it is the same thing for parabolas.

This equation is y < x^2 + 2

November 28

Week 11 in precalc 11

This week in precalc 11 we started graphing and systems of equations I understand most of it so far although I will be missing the majority of the chapter because I will be away. We learned how this works with one and two variables this week. When you have one variable you can work on just the x axis but when you have two you can actually graph something. One thing I learned was figuring out if a point was a solution to an inequality. so if we have 2x – y<25 you have random coordinates like (6, -2)

then we’ll have something to solve and if the satement is true then it works. 2(6) – (-2) <25. 12 + 2 < 25. 14 < 25. So the statement is true becuse 14 is less than 25.

November 5

Precalc 11 Week 9

This week in math 11 we did lots of review for our test coming up on November 5^{th}.

This week we did some word problems related to quadratics. I found these somewhat challenging and so I’m hoping we don’t have too many on the unit test. I do think I have a better understanding of parabolas now then I ever did. I have almost memorized every equation and how to get to it. I am very good with standard form and I am most comfortable changing general form into standard form. I can change factored to general and standard to general, it just takes me more time then using general to standard.

general to standard :

if you have  y = x^2 + 12x + 32

y = (x^2 + 12x + 36) +32 – 36

y = (x + 6 )^2 – 4

October 30

Newton’s Laws

Newton’s first law :

objects at rest tend to stay at rest. So this tennis ball here is not moving it was at rest and is staying at rest unless another source applies force.

Newton’s first law wouldn’t always apply to this if another force applies itself to make it accelerate or if it’s moving down a friction less surface.

In the video there are no unbalanced forces so nothing will change in the law.

Newton’s second law.

f=ma. force is equal to mass times acceleration. In this example we rolled a ball across the floor and we found that the lighter the mass the easier it was to accelerate the object. As you can see in the video we barely pushed the ball and it had quite a bit of speed. Newton’s second law wouldn’t always apply if the mass is constantly changing like a snowball rolling down a snowy hill is gaining mass.

Newton’s third law, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. As you can see in the video when the ball falls to the ground the ground reacts and pushes the ball back up now if those were the only variables then the ball would have bounced back up to where it originally was but since there is gravity that pushes the ball back down the reaction is significantly reduced. Newton’s third law wouldn’t apply when there is no gravity.

I found that the first and second laws are very similar because in both of them they would either stay at rest or in motion unless acted upon.