December 16

Taming of the Shrew Induction Scene

The title of the poem is “Taming of the Shrew”

Written by : William Shakespeare

By:  Michael Keresztes, Brandon Henricksen and Sam boon

An inset is a story within a story for example in “Taming of the Shrew” They watch a play while in a play of their own. The induction is the play itself. In “Taming of the Shrew” the story is about a person who gets drunk and passes out at a bar. And they make try to convince him he is royalty when he awakes. It ended up as a group of players came in and performed a play for him while he was in his bed. We used Stop Motion to re-create the play “Taming of the Shrew”. Our Stop Motion consisted of giving life to Lego people. We took picture to make it seem as if the lego people were alive. While making this stop motion we found very time consuming to take one picture per movement. And I we did not it would appear to “choppy” to watch. It took to much time to take all of the photos. I have learned now how to use a stop motion device and how to upload directly from your photo library on a Ipad.


October 30

Propaganda Poster

This is my Propaganda poster for english 9 Animal Farm story

This poster represents four different types of propaganda. The first noticeable type of propaganda would be fear, this poster represents fear by having a dead pig in the picture with the farmer. The poster can also show common enemy because it shows the animals nothing good can come from mr. Jones. In the poster it appears that mr. Jones has killed a pig and text is asking you to help, ths adds card stacking against mr. Jones. When reading the text it is saying they want you to join them thus making it have a band wagon feature. One would also see on the left hand side that there is repetition saying to stop mr. Jones and his evil ways. The propaganda poster shows that mr. Jones is a terrible person in general and that you should always be with animal farm. The poster is showing that anyone who tries to join mr. Jones will be killed because he is a traitor and a bad person also, if you join mr. Jones he will try and take the farm back from the animals who have worked so hard to keep it stable.

Animal Farm Propaganda poster

September 18

The Secluded Lot Graphic Novel Comic


Brandon Henricksen

September 17, 2015

English 9

Mr. Barazzuol

Graphic Novel Assignment


1) Exposition: “I’d like to inquire about a lot,” the old man said. Pg.115

2) Rising Action: “Where Willow Walk circled downhill again, the limousine came to a halt. Mr. Jerome guided the man between chiselled high polished marbles between tall, rectangular shafts of granite.” Pg. 117

3) Rising Action: “No, I like it the way it is wild and secret and uncared for – hidden by the thicket of branches.”

4) Rising Action: “On the other side of thicket he was surprised to find Mr. Blake stooping over a high, square, white box, intent of fixing something. A bee circled slowly overhead then dove for its target.” Pg.119

5) Climax:  Then it was Mr. Jerome began to understand. The full impactions left him aghast. There was no precedent for this in all cemetery history. “How dare you operate a beehive in this cemetery?” “It’s on my property, I purchased it did I not?” No business such as this allowed within this sanctuary.” Pg.119

6) Falling Action:  “Oh, no!” Jerome’s well-modulated voice rose to a shout: “Look here, I won’t have it, you must stop this at once!” “Why should you want to stop me?” Pg.120

7) Falling Action: At that particular second Mr. Jerome was fully occupied, easing another attacker gently off the lapel of his serge suit. All his spare time would be devoting to a solution of Mr. Blake’s special problem. It must be illegal, he thought with every intention of rushing back to the office to examine the small print. Pg.120

8) Denouement: “Mr. Jerome I’ve reached an important decision I should like to buy another lot.”  Pg.121

The secluded lot part 1  

The secluded lot part 2