December 4

Wave interference

This is a Constructive wave. This wave occurs when two crests or troughs cross paths. What happens is the crests or troughs grow twice as big from the original and once they move past they are back to normal.

Constructive Wave

This is a Destructive wave, this happens when a crest and trough pass through each other. The crest and trough waves will cancel out and become a straight line and then resume as a crest and trough.

Destructive Wave

Finally we attempted a standing wave. We were not very successful with our circumstances so I will link a proper standing wave. A standing wave occurs when they have the same amplitude and wavelength. Here is a proper standing wave :

and here is our attempt :

Standing wave (attempt)

Obviously we had many factors that made us fail this attempt but I understand now how it works and I think I could get it to work under the right circumstances.