September 18

The Secluded Lot Graphic Novel Comic


Brandon Henricksen

September 17, 2015

English 9

Mr. Barazzuol

Graphic Novel Assignment


1) Exposition: “I’d like to inquire about a lot,” the old man said. Pg.115

2) Rising Action: “Where Willow Walk circled downhill again, the limousine came to a halt. Mr. Jerome guided the man between chiselled high polished marbles between tall, rectangular shafts of granite.” Pg. 117

3) Rising Action: “No, I like it the way it is wild and secret and uncared for – hidden by the thicket of branches.”

4) Rising Action: “On the other side of thicket he was surprised to find Mr. Blake stooping over a high, square, white box, intent of fixing something. A bee circled slowly overhead then dove for its target.” Pg.119

5) Climax:  Then it was Mr. Jerome began to understand. The full impactions left him aghast. There was no precedent for this in all cemetery history. “How dare you operate a beehive in this cemetery?” “It’s on my property, I purchased it did I not?” No business such as this allowed within this sanctuary.” Pg.119

6) Falling Action:  “Oh, no!” Jerome’s well-modulated voice rose to a shout: “Look here, I won’t have it, you must stop this at once!” “Why should you want to stop me?” Pg.120

7) Falling Action: At that particular second Mr. Jerome was fully occupied, easing another attacker gently off the lapel of his serge suit. All his spare time would be devoting to a solution of Mr. Blake’s special problem. It must be illegal, he thought with every intention of rushing back to the office to examine the small print. Pg.120

8) Denouement: “Mr. Jerome I’ve reached an important decision I should like to buy another lot.”  Pg.121

The secluded lot part 1  

The secluded lot part 2

Posted September 18, 2015 by brandonh2015 in category English 9, Grade 9

2 thoughts on “The Secluded Lot Graphic Novel Comic

  1. Mr. Ciolfitto

    Loved your comic strips Brandon. By the way, I see that you like astronomy. You have to meet Ms. Della. She loves it too and has done a lot of work with NASA. You should join her on one of our star parties on a clear night. It’s very cool!


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