Currents from the Kitchen

Purpose: Which fruit will produce the most electric voltage?

Hypothesis: When I put zinc and nail in the orange, it will produce the most electric voltage

Materials: Fruit, Voltmeter, 2 wires, 1 nail, 1 copper strip, and at least 3 fruits/vegetables


  1. Observe the demonstration on how to build the battery cell.
  2. Set up your experiment space in groups of 3
  3. Perform your experiments with several fruits/ vegetables
  4. Document your results and experiment set-up with cameras
  5. Consider an explanation for your observations and results
  6. Post your images and explanation on your Edublog account

Explanation: The orange will produce the most electric voltage because it is sweet and has the most juice.


Apple = 0,2

Orange = 0,2

Banana = 0,2

Pickle = 0,6


  • The Voltmeter sometimes changed when you move the wire
  • The pickle gave the most electric voltage at of all of the fruits we did.
  • It was kind of hard to get the accurate number of the fruit because the scale sometimes kept moving

The most important finding:

The pickle had the most electric voltage out all the fruits we had.


1.When we put the zinc and nail in the fruit, the electrons start to flow from the fruit to the nail. All fruits have Citric acid which allows a chemical reaction that make electrons flow.

2. The independent variable is the voltage of different type of fruits. The dependent variable is all the fruits that we used which they all had a voltage flow. The controlled variable is the type fruit and the amount of fruits.

3. Instead of using copper in the experiment you can use silver because it’s a better conductor.

4. The voltage going through the fruit could be inaccurate.

5. I can temporary provide a source of energy around your house