Irony graphic novel assignment


Verbal Irony

Verbal Irony means that when someone says something and means the opposite.  One example of verbal irony is that Bruno calls his father “stupid” even though he did feel ashamed of himself after saying that. (Page 59)

Dramatic Irony
Dramatic Irony is when the audience knows something that the character does not.  One example of dramatic irony is that Bruno keeps calling it out-with, but we know it is called Auschwitz, he doesn’t know that there are prisoners on the other side of the fence, he thinks it is a friendly place, but we know it’s not.  (Page 24-25) In this image Bruno says “Out-With? What’s an Out-With?” which Gretel responds by saying “it’s not a Out-With, Bruno. It’s just Out-With.”


Situational Irony

Situational Irony is when some thing is unexpected. One example of situational irony is when Bruno’s grandmother dislikes Bruno’s father’s new uniform. This is unexpecting how the grandmother reacts because she is the only one that is not supporting her son. (Page 90)