In the year 2018 it’s hard to not be impacted in some way by technology. Technology is all around us, and it is a very useful tool that can give us amazing results. Some people think that current technology is a bad thing and that it has a negative affect, but those people must come to understand that technology is a blessing in our modern society, and it enriches the knowledge of those who use it. Technology is a blessing for many reasons. Some of the most notable are how it allows you to access an infinite source of knowledge right at your fingertips, how it creates a platform to start careers and spread important messages, how it can keep the youth informed and inspired, and finally how it can connect you to others around the globe and allow you to see from their perspective. With technology there is so much power that comes with it, and that can lead to incredible things! The internet is full of extremely useful and informative resources to access knowledge that you could never have found without it. Not only does it have so much information, it allows you to access that information all right in front of you on your device, no need to go to the library and take out 100 books. It also opens so many opportunities and sets an even playing field for those who want to launch a career or start a campaign. If you aspire to be an entertainer, you can use one of the many entertainment platforms on the internet such as YouTube or Instagram and with enough work, your dreams can be achieved. If you want to promote a message you strongly believe in you can start spreading awareness all over social media and I guarantee it will gain somebodies attention. Another benefit of technology and the internet, is that it keeps youth informed on important events and what’s going on in the world. Never has it been so easy for young people to keep in touch with the world and gain inspiration to make change, in which they can do with the internet. People all around the world meet and connect through technology and without it, the chances those people would have even known the other existed, are slim to none. These people create incredible bonds and open each other up to what life is like in other parts of the world and expose them to the culture and way of life there all through the internet! This can allow you to gain more perspective on the world and meet many amazing people. Without modern advances in technology your life would be nothing like it is today. Imagine your life without technology. You would have no reliable source of transportation, you would have no access to the medical care you have today, it would be much harder to communicate with others far away, as well as access information efficiently. Technology truly is a blessing and it makes all our lives much better. The best way to transition smoothly into this new age of technology, is to accept it and to embrace all the great things it does for us. Society will benefit in so many ways from further technological advances and what’s to come will truly change lives! So many people have embraced this change and allowed technology to benefit them and improve their lives, and so should you!
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