A big issue in today’s society is bad parenting, but if the government were to implement a licensing process in order to become a parent, we could help prevent this issue and possibly give the next generations brighter futures. First off, I think this could prevent people who aren’t qualified for parenthood, from having children. This could end up stopping children from being born into problematic environments, which generally makes life difficult for those children. If these parenting licenses were required, drug addicts, severe alcoholics, and people who simply aren’t responsible enough for children can’t have babies. Currently, these licenses don’t exist, making it much more likely for babies to be born into situations where neglect or abuse may be imminent. If that’s the case, those children could be in for a lifetime struggle, and the goal of these licenses would be to stop that from happening. Although preventing some child birth is part of the concept, it isn’t the whole goal that these licenses are trying to achieve. Another benefit is that if people want to have babies, the licensing process will assure that these people will be fit parents. These licenses would realistically create the ideal parents. It would make sure the parents have all the essential skills and knowledge, assure that they are in a situation where the baby’s needs will be met, but still give the parents the ability to reflect their beliefs and morals on to their child. Lastly, I think the license’s would benefit the parents, just as much as they would the children. Sometimes people have babies, thinking they’re ready, but then once they have them it ends up hurting them, and the baby. A bit factor in situations like these is financial stability. They end up struggling to support themselves as well as the baby, since they might not be established enough in their career or something along those lines. Another problem is people who work 24/7 and end up unintentionally neglecting the baby. The point is, a licencing process could prevent people from screwing up their lives by having babies when they aren’t in the right place in life yet. In the end, i believe parenthood should require a license, not only to benefit the children, but the potential parents as well.
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