March 10

David Cooper

David Cooper (334)

“It comprised two hundred acres, and was divided into ten-acre lots, and sold to any colored men who were disposed to buy, at three dollar on taking possession, an then six dollars the two subsequent years – then they were to have a deed. The land was never wholly cleared . Some bought the land, but never went on it. There are now eight families on this land, who have forty acres cleared.” 335

This quote tells us that blacks can but their own land, and not for a bad price either.

“A part of them can principally support themselves on what they have cleared, but they have to work out to keep their families supplied.” 335

They can support themselves solely from the land that they buy.

“My wife was a slave.” 355

David Cooper is a white man, and this quote tells us that they accept interracial marriage in Windsor.

March 1

Past Expectations of Women Compared to Today

How far has woman’s equality has progressed since the early 1800s:

Women were expected to know how to make clothes; although it is nice if a women knows how to make clothes, they’re not expected to, because of large clothing industries.

Women were expected to know how to cook; it is expected in some families for the female to know how to cook, but it’s generally not expected, there are lots of food and restaurant companies where you can buy food from.

Men made big choices like moving, and women were expected to listen and comply; but , it’s not like this anymore, they can be independent from their husbands, and they’re only expected to help out each other, in time of need.

In the 1800s, you were expected to spend as little money as possible, because these marriages didn’t mean much to the persons in it; but today, in most marriages people share their wealth, because it is common for both roles to be providers.

Women were expected to take care of domestic activities; this hasn’t changed much, 65% of man do domestic activities compared to woman’s wopping 85% percent.

Women did not marry anyone in the lower class, it was something nobody did; even though I didn’t find a source about this, couple will marry no matter if they’re lower or higher class than each other, there is no proof that that they care anymore.

Ashley, Marcus &. “Expectations In Marriage: What To Expect The First Year ( And How To Compromise With Your Spouse).” Our Peaceful Family. Disqus, n.d. Web. <>.

Goyer, Tricia. “Financial Expectations of Married Couples | Tricia Goyer.” Tricia Goyer. Archer Creative, 21 June 2012. Web. 01 Mar. 2016. <>.

Tennery, Amy. “More Women Are In the Workforce — So Why Are They Still Doing So Many Chores?” Business Money More Women Are In the Workforce So Why Are They Still Doing So Many Chores Comments. Time Inc., n.d. Web. 01 Mar. 2016. <>.