
October 2/3

Lesson: Indian Act

Indian Act – Canadian Encyclopedia Highlighted (V2)(pdf)

Indian Act – Canadian Encyclopedia (web site)

Indian Act Timeline


Notes/Activity: Indian Act Notes


Video/Activity: Indian Act – What do do with it


Activity/Evidence: Indian Act – Abolish or Reform

Articles: Indian Act


Inquiry Question: Should the Indian Act be abolished (V2)?


Padlet – Inquiry Question: Should the Indian Act be abolished? PERIOD 1

Padlet – Inquiry Question: Should the Indian Act be abolished? PERIOD 3




Lesson: Residential Schools – Overview

Activity/Film: Indian Horse (V2)


Historical Background: The Indian Act and the Indian Residential Schools – Facing History

Killing the Indian in the Child – Facing History

The Role of the Churches – Facing History

Residential Schools in Canada – Canadian Encyclopedia


Activity: Graphic Story – Home

Story: Home

Padlet: Home



Lesson: Residential Schools – Life at Residential Schools Part 1

Activity: Residential School Experience

Facing History: The Residential School Experience

Reflection: Residential School Experience optional 



Lesson: Residential Schools – Life at Residential Schools Part 2

Activity/Documentary Film: We Were Children

Padlet – Film: We Were Children




Lesson: Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC)

Truth and Reconciliation Commission – Canadian Encyclopedia

Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada

TRC – Calls to Action (pdf)

Beyond 94

Activity: Calls to Action Evaluation Activity (V4)


Activity/Evidence: Calls to Action Evidence

Inquiry Question: Has sufficient progress been achieved on the 94 Calls to Action since the TRC Report 2015 (V2)?

Padlet: Has sufficient progress been achieved on the 94 Calls to Action since the TRC Report 2015?


Residential Schools in Canada Timeline



Lesson: Residential Schools and Genocide Part 1

Truth and Reconciliation Final Report – Introduction

Facing History – Genocide

Montreal Holocaust Museum – Stages of Genocide

Notes: Stages of Genocide – Ten Stages of Genocide (Definition and Examples)

Activity: Residential Schools and Genocide Stages




Lesson: Residential Schools and Genocide Part 2

Activity/Evidence: Residential Schools and Genocide (V3)

Articles: Residential Schools and Genocide


Inquiry Question: Did the establishment and operation of residential schools constitute a genocide?

Padlet – Inquiry Question: Did the establishment and operation of residential schools constitute a genocide?



Lesson: Residential Schools – Intergenerational Trauma

Canadian Encyclopedia: Intergenerational Trauma and Residential Schools

Article: Residential School Survivors Tell Us What Intergenerational Trauma Really Is

Activity/Film: Indian Horse (V3) Intergenerational Trauma



Lesson: Monuments and Historical Figures

Debating Matters: Monuments and Historical Figures


Activity/Evidence: Monuments and Historical Figures

Articles: Monuments and Historical Figures

Inquiry Questions: Should monuments of controversial historical figures associated with residential schools be removed?

Padlet -Inquiry Question: Should monuments of controversial historical figures associated with residential schools be removed?



Lesson: Indigenous Resistance optional

Oka Crisis 1990

Idle No More

What you need to know about the Wet’suwet’en protests, arrests

Padlet: Civil Disobedience


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