UNIT 3 WORLD WAR II 1936-1945














April 4

Lesson 1: Causes of World War II in the Pacific – Japanese Imperialism


Article: The Path to Pearl Harbour


PowerPoint: Causes of the War in the Pacific


April 5

Lesson 2: Causes of World War II in Europe 1936-1939 – Spanish Civil War, Rhineland, Austria


GF Chapter 4 The Third Reich p.60-65

TCH Chapter 29 Down the Road to War p.148-153 optional


In Class

Inquiry Question: Was Hitler’s aggression or appeasement most responsible for causing World War II in Europe (V4) Part 1?


Padlet – Guernica optional 


World War II Padlet


PowerPoint: Causes of War in Europe Part 1


April 6

Lesson 3: Causes of World War II in Europe 1936-1939 – Czechoslovakia and Poland


GF Chapter 4 The Third Reich “Czechoslovakia” & “Poland” p.66-67

Article: Did appeasement cause the Second World War?

Article: Why did the Second World War happen?


Article: Appeasement of Adolf Hitler (V2) optional


History Extra Podcast: Appeasement and the road to World War II


In Class

Inquiry Question: Was Hitler’s aggression or appeasement most responsible for causing World War II in Europe (V5)?

Padlet – Inquiry Question: Was Hitler’s aggression or appeasement most responsible for causing World War II in Europe?


PowerPoint: Causes of War in Europe Part 2



April 9

Handout: Technology in World War II (V2)

Lesson 4: Fall of France 


GF Chapter 7 The Second World War p.116-118

TCH Chapter 30 The Last European War p.158-162 optional


Power Point: Fall of France


April 10

Lesson 5: Battle of Britain

Article: Battle of Britain (3)

GF Chapter 7 The Second World War p.118-119

TCH Chapter 30 The Last European War p.162-164 optional


History Learning Site: Battle of Britain


Video: How important was the Battle of Britain?


World War II Padlet


PowerPoint: Battle of Britain (V2)


April 11

Lesson 6: Barbarossa and Battle of Atlantic


GF Chapter 7 The Second World War p.119-129 (omit Bio p.120-121) & Case Study: Barbarossa p.124-125 & German U-boats p.126-127

Articles: Battle of the Atlantic

TCH  Chapter 31 The Second World War p.167-169 optional


Padlet: Invasion of USSR


History Learning Site: Battle of Atlantic


History Extra: Why December 1941 was the most important month of the Second World War?








World War II Padlet


Power Point: Barbarossa and Battle of the Atlantic


April  12

Lesson 7: Battle of Stalingrad and El Alamein – Turning Points


GF Chapter 7 The Second World War “Stalingrad & El Alamein” p.132

Article: Stalingrad

Article: El Alamein

TCH Ch 31 The Second World War “The Allies: A Second Front or Torch?” p.171-174 optional


History Learning Site: Battle of Stalingrad


In Class

Activity: History and Film – Stalingrad


Video: How did the Soviets win at Stalingrad?








World War II Padlet


PowerPoint: Stalingrad and El Alamein


April 15/16

Lesson 8: Italy and Bombing of Germany


GF Chapter 7 The Second World War p.132-134

Articles: Bombing of Germany

History Learning Site: Monte Casino


In Class

Inquiry Question: Was the Allied bombing of German cities during the war justified (V2)?

Evidence: Bombing of Germany

Padlet – Inquiry Question: Was Allied bombing of German cities during the war justified?


Video: Why did the British start bombing civilians?


World War II Padlet


PowerPoint: Invasion of Italy and Bombing of Germany


April 16

Lesson 9: Normandy Landings, Liberation of France, Eastern Front


Articles: D-Day

TCH Chapter 31 The Second World War “Closing in on the Reich” p.177-181 optional


American Battle Monuments Commission: Normandy Campaign Interactive Map

In Class

Activity: History and Film – D-Day (V2)


Padlet: History and Film

Video: How successful was D-Day?


World War II Padlet


PowerPoint: Normandy Landings, Liberation of France, Eastern Front


April 18

Lesson 10: Defeat of Germany


TCH Chapter 33 Conclusions in Europe “The Yalta Conference, Road to Berlin & The Potsdam Conference” p.190-195

GF Chapter 7 The Second World War “End of the War” p.135-137 optional

History Learning Site: Battle for Berlin


Article: Most Significant battles of World War II

Articles: Significant Battles in Europe (V3)

Inquiry Question: What was the most significant battle in Europe during World War II (V3)?

Evidence: Significant Battles  (V2)

Padlet – Inquiry Question: What was the most significant battle in Europe during World War II?


Video: Who really defeated Germany?


World War II Padlet


PowerPoint: Defeat of Germany


April 22/23

Lesson 11: Holocaust


Articles: Is the Holocaust Unique (V3)

Articles: Genocide in the 20th Century

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum: Holocaust

Article: Genocide – what can we learn from history optional



Inquiry Question: Is the Holocaust different and unparalleled in history than other genocides (V4)?

Notes/Evidence: Holocaust and Genocides of the 20th Century (V2)

Evidence: Holocaust Articles

Padlet – Inquiry Question: Is the Holocaust different and unparalleled in history than other genocides?


Video: Path to Genocide

World War II Padlet


PowerPoint: Holocaust



April 24

Lesson 12: Pearl Harbour and Japanese Offensive


Article: Pearl Harbour (History.com)

GF Chapter 6 Japan Ascendancy in Asia p.110-111 Case Study: Pearl Harbour  optional


Article: Japan at War optional 

Article:  Pearl Harbour and Hitlers devastating conclusions optional

Article: What if Japan never attacked Pearl Harbour optional

History Learning Site: Pear Harbour  optional


Activity: History and FilmPearl Harbour

Padlet: Was the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour necessary?


History Extra: Pearl Harbour – 12 facts about the surprise attack on the US Pacific Fleet

Video: Why did the Japanese attack Pearl Harbour?


PowerPoint: Pearl Harbour and Japanese Offensive


April 25

Lesson 13: Battle of Midway – Turning Point


Article: Midway

History Learning Site: Midway


Notes: Propaganda

Padlet: U.S. anti-Japanese Propaganda


Video: How decisive was the Battle of Midway


PowerPoint: Midway


April 26

Lesson 14: Allied Offensive 1942-1944


GF Chapter 8 The Pacific War “Allied Strategy” p.146-147, “Assault by Air” p.149 & Case Study: The Kamikaze p.144

TCH Chapter 31 The Second World War “War Against Japan” p.176-177 optional


History Learning Site


Video: Why was it so hard to retake islands held by the Japanese


Video: What motivated the kamikazes?







World War II Padlet


PowerPoint: Allied Offensive


April 29

Lesson 15: Iwo Jima and Okinawa


Article: Iwo Jima and Okinawa (History.com)


History Learning Site: Iwo Jima and Okinawa

PowerPoint: Iwo Jima and Okinawa


April 30

Lesson 16: Hiroshima and Defeat of Japan


Article: Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Article: Was the US justified in dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during the Second World War?

Articles: Atomic Bomb

History Learning Site: Hiroshima optional


Inquiry Question: Was the use of the atomic bomb on Japan to end the war in the Pacific justified (V4)?

Evidence: Atomb Bomb

Padlet – Inquiry Question: Was the use of the atomic bomb on Japan by the U.S. to end the war in the Pacific justified?


Video: Why did the Allies decide to drop nuclear bombs on Japan?









PowerPoint: Hiroshima and Japan’s Defeat


May 1

Lesson 17: Technology


Handout: Technology in World War II (V2)

Articles: Six technologies that helped win the Second World War

PowerPoint: Role of Technology in Allied Victory


Inquiry Question: Which technological development contributed the most to Allied victory in World War II (V2)?

Evidence: Technology and Allied Victory(V2)

Padlet – Inquiry Question: Which technological development contributed the most to Allied victory in WW II?


Video: Number of deaths in WW II






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