English 11 – Problem/Situation Questions

  1. Yes, John and Emily are both deceiving themselves in thinking that they will able to finish doing well in their English class. It is a long way to go from a C or D to an A, and it would require more than just one project to bump their marks up in such an exponential way. It is something that happens often with many people, it is very easy to say to yourself that you will be able to do better if you put the work in. It gives them a sense of comfort in their lives in thinking that. But in reality, when it comes down to it, they will most likely procrastinate in doing the project, or not be able to complete it to their full potential because they will not have the time to do it. It is dangerous to rely only on the thought of thinking you will be able to do it.
  2. The result of the schedule they are following will be overall negative. At high school age, it can be a very bad thing to overwhelm yourself with so many different activities. It draws you away from school and increases your level of stress in a huge way.
  3. If they do not do well on their English project, they will very likely blame others before themselves. It is easy to blame the teacher’s marking, the project, how much time they were given, etc. In reality, they are all just excuses to make themselves feel better for not being able to plan out and manage their time better.
  4. What I would do differently is plan ahead. Prioritize school before other things and take on additional activities only if they work around school. It is absolutely possible to have a busy schedule, as long as you plan ahead, and stay coordinated and on top of all your work and activities.

English 11 – American Dream Paragraph

The American Dream. It used to be something that everyone in North America used to strive for. It used to be something that we used to think we had to strive for. Today, I believe it has a very different meaning, and people are starting to realize that it is losing importance.

Historically, as a whole, the “American Dream” has been portrayed through 5 components. The belief that other nations should replicate America’s development, faith in a free market economy, support for free-trade agreements, promotion of the free flow of information and culture, and the acceptance of government protection of private enterprises. But the reality is, this is not what most people think of as the modern “American Dream”. In simple terms, the idea is to be successful in school, get into a good university, have a successful high paying job, marry, buy a house, start a family, and retire. It has been portrayed as the baseline of what American’s think their lives should follow. It is supposed to be something to strive for. And those who don’t meet it, are regarded as failures. Either in their own perception or through the systematic exclusion within their social groups for differing from this so-called “norm”.

I disagree strongly with this idea. I believe that America is based on the freedom to do what you want to do with your life, yet that is often forgotten. Nobody should feel bound to a set idealistic value of what your life should be. We should be encouraged to explore, to venture outside of the box, and to find something that gives our lives meaning.

English 11 – LOTF Character Instagram Project

Instagram account: @simon_lotf111 https://www.instagram.com/simon_lotf111/ 

For my Character Instagram project, I chose to replicate my account after Simon. Simon, from Lord of the Flies, is one of the most important and integral characters in the story. He is a calm, wise, passive younger boy in the group, yet holds an understated importance to the story and to the group of boys. Simon acts almost as a Jesus-like character, holding the group together as best as he can. He is the only one caring for the younger children, and he tries to keep the two age groups living together as smoothly as possible. This demonstrates the type of character that Simon is.

Through characterization in the story, he appears as a peaceful, wise, spiritual and nature loving boy in his personal life, and that was the theme that I tried to convey through the Instagram account I created. One of the most common themes found in his posts are nature-based, inspirational posts, to which “Simon” explains further. He is very connected with nature and uses it as a way to find balance and peace in his life. From a more passive point of view, he tries to convey those feelings and share that with others through his Instagram account.

Within the story highlights of the account, you can find posts about the hikes he takes out in the forest, away from the group. This is a common practice of Simon in the novel. Both his stories and his posts show that he enjoys being out alone in nature, as this helps him keep a level head throughout the mayhem of the events on the island.

Simon also posts about the huts. He was in charge of building the huts for the group and took pride in doing so. He shares a photo to let the others know of the huts and welcomes anyone who needs and wants shelter to come down and help out if they’d like.

Lastly, he posts briefly a story highlight supporting the fire. He sees the importance the fire holds in them getting rescued and encourages the others to come and help with keeping the new fire on the beach alive. He usually likes to stay out of the “political” issues, but after the group splits into two, he finds that it’s important to try and encourage anyone he can to help out.

Classification – 6 Kingdoms (Bio 11)


1) Salmonella Enterica

Rod Shaped, Gram-Negative bacteria, species of the genus Salmonella.


2) Streptococcus Pneumoniae

Gram-Positive, alpha/beta hemolytic member of Genus Streptococcus.


Sources: https://classificationofthekingdoms.weebly.com/eubacteria-examples.html


1) Thaumarchaeota

Memeber of the hyperthermophilic phylum Crenarchaeota.

Source: https://www.eurekalert.org/multimedia/pub/98139.php

2) Euryarchaeota

Highly diverse phylum of archae, produces methane and often found in intestines.

Description de cette image, également commentée ci-après

Source: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euryarchaeota


1) Radiolaria

Microscopic prozota that produce intricate mineral skeletons.

Image result for Radiolaria

Source: https://www.radiolaria.org/

2) Naegeria Fowleri (Brain Eating Amoeba)

Species of the genus Naegleria, bacteria eating amoeba that can be pathogenic.

Image result for Naegleria fowleri

Source: https://www.cdc.gov/parasites/naegleria/index.html


1) Ascomycota (Sac Fungi)

Largest phylum of fungi, with over 64,000 species.

Image result for Ascomycota

Source: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Ascomycota

2) Eomycota


Image result for Eomycota

Source: http://www.biodiversityexplorer.org/fungi/index.htm


1) Moss

Small flowerless plants that grow in dense groups.


Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moss

2) Chlorophyta (Green Algae)

Large grouping of Algae consisting of Chlorophyta and Charophyta.

Image result for Chlorophyta

Source: https://microbewiki.kenyon.edu/index.php/Chlorophyta


1) Tardigrade

Phylum of small “water bears” found in oceans.

Image result for Tardigrade

Source: https://www.mnn.com/earth-matters/animals/stories/tardigrade-new-species-teach-us

2) Sponge

Member of the phylum Porifera, multi cellular animal that have bodies full of pores and channels allowing water to circulate through them.

Image result for Sponge animal

Source: http://www.worldanimalfoundation.org/articles/article/8948365/181984.htm

Penny Lab – Science 10

Penny Lab

Penny Lab – Conclusion


This experiment investigated the amount of water (drops) that could be fit within the surface area of a penny before it started to leak over the sides of the object.

In order to study the problem, we needed to know the basics about water, it’s surface tension, and cohesive properties, to come up with a reasonable hypothesis and have the information to back it up.

Results showed that after two series of testing, one with a dry penny and one with it being covered in dish soap solution. The first test proved to be more effective, and could fit more drops of water, than when it was covered in soap.

This proved that the hypothesis that if the dish soap was added to the penny then acted as an independent variable in the experiment and was supported because it added a foreign element in the cohesive properties of the water, varying it’s results during the experiment.

To extend this experiment, maybe explore other options as testing variables, such as other liquids to drop or use as a cover for the penny and see how the results differ. Or go more in depth around researching the exact reason why the results were the way they were.

Finally, if the experiment was repeated, some changes to improve the   experimental design could be ensuring a more controlled environment, with no possibility of disruptions or interference, for example, bumping the table, having an already wet penny, etc…

Science in the News Project

Topic: Elon Musk’s SpaceX launches its biggest rocket into space, and it introduces

Article Title: “SpaceX just launched its biggest rocket for the first time”


Falcon Heavy, SpaceX’s long-awaited launch, successfully broke the atmosphere February 6, 2018, from the Cape Canaveral space centre in Florida, setting another record for the company. It is hopefully the first step towards having the technology to be able to transport people to Mars. It introduces innovative technology, with it being the most powerful rocket launched since the Saturn 5, which was responsible to successfully getting astronauts to the moon. The most notable accomplishment of the rocket, was that it is able to land the boosters in a controlled manner. Although the idea was heavily critiqued by many scientists, and even Elon Musk himself, 2 out of the 3 boosters successfully touched back down at Cape Canaveral. Making huge strides in the field of aviation and space exploration.

Science In the News Video

(Play the presentation from the start and video will begin automatically)