Week 8- Math 10

Ahhh solving triangles. You get one angle and one side, figure out the rest.

Once you get the hang of it, it’s quite fun. You’re given a triangle like this

To start, label the sides and list what you need to find.

Find everything that is missing (aka the stuff you just listed). We’ll start with angle F here. Since we know angle E is 90°, angle D is 50° and that the sum of the angles in a triangle must be 180°, we can just do 180-(90+50) to find angle F.

We can solve side EF and DE with the information we now have and SOH CAH TOA like so:

Week 7- Math 10

The most fun and interesting part of this week was learning how to find missing angles using sin, cos and tan on my calculator.

If I had a question like this (I labeled each side already and written SOH CAH TOA to figure out which one to use):

Just having sin, cos or tan would not be helpful because I am not given the degree of the angle inside. Instead, I would use each of those to the power of -1. Since I now know which sides I’m given and which formula to use, I can start to write my equation and solve it, like so:

Week 6- Math 10

Dear Math Blog Post,                                                                                                                          Week 6

My brain has gotten stuffed with more information. Every day, it’s something new. Do I always remember what I learned after the lesson? Not always but then they force me to use it the next day so I am forced to remember, and the information gets drilled into my head. This week, I remember learning how to find the volume and surface area of a hemisphere.

To find the volume of a hemisphere, you will use this formula:

For example, if you wanted to find the volume of a hemisphere with a radius of 2, this is what you would do:

When you do the surface area, it gets slightly more math-y. There are 2 exposed parts in the surface area of a hemisphere; the bottom half and the circle on top. When you calculate the surface area, the two must be added together.

The formula and an example question for finding the surface area of a hemisphere are in the picture below.

Week 5- Math 10

In math 10 this week, I learned how to convert units such as feet to inches or imperial to metric.

For example, I had a question where the I got was in meters cubed but the question asked me to have it in liters. The answer was 689.64^2m. To convert it into meters I did this:

Because the m^2 cancels each other out and the L is left which is the only unit so the answer would be, in this case, 78.37L.

However, it is not simply that. In the picture above, the units were already in m^2. If it were not, I would have to multiply the unit twice (or three times if it is cubed) to match up to the squared (or cubed).

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