Reading Weather

  1. Set up weather instruments in groups of 4 (take measurements for a week)
  2. Make first observation to post on blog
    • date
    • relative air pressure – for the first day, note the weather and real pressure
    • air temperature
    • wind direction
    • wind speed
    • precipitation
    • dew point
    • Cloud type
    • Cloud cover
  3. Present data above as found on a weather station map – Post your observations and your weather station symbols on one group member’s blog
  4. Description of today’s weather and prediction of tomorrow’s weather (colder, warmer, precipitation, clouds, wind)

How to read Weather Station Maps



Pages 197-207

  1. Explain whether or not the hydrologic cycle is a open or closed cascading system.
  2. Use the list of storehouses on page 197 and explain what would happen if each of them experienced increased solar radiation.
    • Would the increased solar radiation have an overall positive or negative effect on the earth?
    • How would your answer above be different if insolation did not change but atmospheric temperatures increased (Global Warming)?
  3. Of the different storehouses, which one poses the largest possible risk to people if it depleted? Explain why.
  4. How does human development (buildings, roads, farms, cities) affect the hydrologic cycle?
  5. What conditions are needed for clouds to form?
  6. Why is it safer to drink lake water than ocean water?
  7. What would you look for in the sky to see if a warm front is coming?
  8. What kinds of clouds are most common in the Lower Mainland? Explain why.
  9. Use your knowledge of wind and precipitation to explain why the Pacific Northwest “rains all year long”. Explain what happens in the summer and winter.


Water and Sand Excel

Pages 122-129, 137-140

  1. Why is the earth’s energy system considered an open cascading system?
  2. How would different types of air pollution interact with shortwave radiation and longwave radiation?
  3. To stay cool in summer, is it better to wear shorts and a tank top on a sunny day or be all covered up? Explain.
  4. Why doesn’t snow always melt faster on a sunny day?
  5. How can your chances of getting sunburnt increase from going skiing?
  6. Why is a clear night colder than a cloudy night?
  7. Why do football players put black grease under their eyes?
  8. What would happen to the temperature of the earth if a volcanic eruption of ash occurred? Explain with reference to radiant heating.
  9. If the poles get constant daylight in their respective summers, explain why it is still colder.
  10. Has human development/activity in your city increased or decreased the temperature around it? Give examples and explain how the actions affect temperature.


The Atmosphere

Earth Dynamics Chapter 10

  1. What gases make up the atmosphere and what are their proportions?
    • What importance do these gases play in sustaining the biosphere?
  2. What happens to temperature and air pressure as you move away from the earth?
  3. If large commercial planes have a cruising altitude of about 10,000m, where are they in the earth’s atmosphere?
    • Why is this chosen as cruising altitude?
    • Why can’t you open windows on a plane?
  4. Why is it that no plane has every flown higher than the SR-71 at 25,929m?
  5. Why does it get warmer again in the stratosphere?
  6. Generally, what is used to define each atmospheric layer?
  7. Why does the thermosphere increase in temperature?
  8. Why can you only see the aurora borealis at the poles?
  9. What will happen to your helium balloon if you let it go?

Community Mapping Con’t

How sustainable is PoCo?

  1. Choose a resource to focus on (water, waste, mined materials, fish, food, wood products, energy)
  2. Create a survey or propose something to observe and record to assess PoCo’s sustainability. Where will your observation take place? What do you expect to understand after your observation.
  3. Explain your research proposal to the class to get feedback.
  4. Conduct research.
  5. Present findings with a recommended solution.

Water Use

  1. Step #6 – Plan for Change
    • Discuss what your group wants to do (could be Community or School items from the Action Survey)
    • Something that can be done in 2 weeks
  2. Local Activity should be done
    • find time to do the So What
  3. Critical Reflections should be done
    • Find time to do the Stakeholders and Cost & Benefits
  4. Global Research should be done
  5. Wrap up personal/household intentions

Waste Disposal

Vancouver Sun – Revenue drops, costs rise at Burnaby incinerator

CBC – Many Canadians are recycling wrong

Global News – Is Canada’s recycling industry broken?

Manufactured Landscapes

Key Question: How can BC’s waste management system be made more sustainable?

  • Research how some other countries manage their waste.


  1. Complete step #5
    • Organize a time to do the Stakeholders and Cost & Benefits part
  2. Local Activity
  3. Look over step #6


BC Seafood Industry Year in Review 2017


1) Choose a species of fish and explain which ones you should consume and which ones you should avoid.


2) With reference to the video “Salmon Confidential” and your own research about the advantages and disadvantages of salmon farming, assess how sustainable aquaculture is.

Salmon Confidential (2013) – watch up to 29:23

  1. Complete step #4 – Organize how to complete Local Activity
  2. Intentions and Global Research should be done