Canadian Identity Art Presentation

Canadian Identity Art Presentation

Create an artistic design that symbolizes, encompasses and defines Canadian identity (new flag, logo, etc). Explain the history that affected your design and how this represents the past, present and future of Canada. An artistic design means that you must create it, it should not be a collage of other images.

You will do a 5 minute show and tell to the class and hand in a written explanation of your art piece (about two pages of writing). Email an image of your art and your explanation to

Emerging Developing Meeting Exceeding


– Assess the justification for competing accounts after investigating points of contention, reliability of sources, and adequacy of evidence, including data

Does not use primary or secondary sources to explain the reason for creating the project Uses limited primary or secondary sources to explain the reason for creating the project Uses primary and secondary evidence to explain the reason for creating the project Uses a variety of primary and secondary evidence with different perspectives to explain the reason for creating the project


– Assess the significance of people, places, events, or developments, and compare varying perspectives on their significance at particular times and places, and from group to group

Does not show an understanding of historical events that impacted Canadian identity Shows a limited understanding of historical events that impacted Canadian identity Shows an understanding of the major historical events that impacted to Canadian identity Shows an understanding of a complex range of historical events that impacted Canadian identity

Continuity & Change

– Compare and contrast continuities and changes for different groups at particular times and places

Does not use historical events of different identifiable groups to explain how Canadian identity changed or continued throughout the 20th Century Uses a limited number of historical events of different identifiable groups to explain how Canadian identity changed or continued throughout the 20th Century Uses historical events of different identifiable groups to explain how Canadian identity has changed or continued throughout the 20th Century Uses a variety of historical events of different identifiable groups to explain how Canadian identity has changed and continued throughout the 20th Century


– Draw conclusions about a problem, an issue, or a topic.

-Interpret and present data in a variety of forms

Does not explain how the project is based on historical information

Artistic product shows no connection to Canadian society

Limited explanation of project based on historical information

Artistic product has a limited connection to Canadian society

Clear explanation of project based on historical information

Meaningful artistic product

Clear and meaningful explanation of project based on historical information

Meaningful and thoughtful artistic product



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