British Columbia Inquiry Presentation

British Columbia Inquiry Presentation

Choose one of the inquiry questions below to investigate and create a 5 minute presentation for.

Your presentation will attempt to answer the inquiry question regarding B.C.’s history prior to 1914 and by using primary evidence to support your conclusion.  You may draw comparisons to today.

Preparing your presentation:

  • Start with a statement that answers the inquiry question (thesis)
  • Prove your thesis by providing an analysis of primary sources
    • Draw your comparisons to today if necessary
  • Conclude your presentation by summarizing how all your sources prove your thesis

Inquiry Options:

A) Has British Columbia always been British? (Primary evidence, continuity and change)

B) Has British Columbia always been a multicultural & accepting province? (Primary evidence, continuity and change, ethical judgement)

C) Does British Columbia owe an apology to the non-British communities that settled in this province? (Primary evidence, ethical judgement)

D) How vital were natural resources to British Columbia’s existence? (Primary evidence, significance)

E) Do periods of growth in Vancouver (or Metro Vancouver) cause periods of heightened racism? (primary sources, cause and consequence)

F) Did British Columbia represent a place of freedom for all groups coming here? (Primary evidence, perspective)


Inquiry Rubrics:

A) Has British Columbia always been British? (Primary evidence, continuity and change)

Does Not Meet Minimally Meets Meets Exceeds
Primary Evidence

Does not explain what the source is


Does not explain what the source reveals that answers the inquiry question


Can only provide one source

Simple or general explanation of what the source is


Explains what the source reveals without reference to the historical context of the period it was created in


Limited sources used to corroborate conclusion

Explains what the source is


Explains what the source reveals with reference to the historical context of the period it was created in


Uses multiple sources to corroborate conclusion

Explains what the source is by examining specific details (also author and/or perspective)


Explains what the source reveals with specific and detailed reference to the historical context of the period it was created in


Uses a variety of primary source types to corroborate conclusion

Continuity and Change Does not clearly show continuous or changing aspects of B.C.’s history Narrow examination of change or continuity in B.C.’s history Clearly outlines different aspects of B.C.’s history that continue or change over time Organizes continuous or changing aspects of B.C.’s history based on society, economy and politics


B) Has British Columbia always been a multicultural & accepting province? (Primary evidence, ethical judgement)

Does Not Meet Minimally Meets Meets Exceeds
Primary Evidence

Does not explain what the source is


Does not explain what the source reveals that answers the inquiry question


Can only provide one source

Simple or general explanation of what the source is


Explains what the source reveals without reference to the historical context of the period it was created in


Limited sources used to corroborate conclusion

Explains what the source is


Explains what the source reveals with reference to the historical context of the period it was created in


Uses multiple sources to corroborate conclusion

Explains what the source is by examining specific details (also author and/or perspective)


Explains what the source reveals with specific and detailed reference to the historical context of the period it was created in


Uses a variety of primary source types to corroborate conclusion

Continuity and Change Does not clearly show continuous or changing aspects of B.C.’s history Narrow examination of change or continuity in B.C.’s history Clearly outlines different aspects of B.C.’s history that continue or change over time Organizes continuous or changing aspects of B.C.’s history based on society and politics


C) Does British Columbia owe an apology to the non-British communities that settled in this province? (Primary evidence, ethical judgement)

Does Not Meet Minimally Meets Meets Exceeds
Primary Evidence

Does not explain what the source is


Does not explain what the source reveals that answers the inquiry question


Can only provide one source

Simple or general explanation of what the source is


Explains what the source reveals without reference to the historical context of the period it was created in


Limited sources used to corroborate conclusion

Explains what the source is


Explains what the source reveals with reference to the historical context of the period it was created in


Uses multiple sources to corroborate conclusion

Explains what the source is by examining specific details (also author and/or perspective)


Explains what the source reveals with specific and detailed reference to the historical context of the period it was created in


Uses a variety of primary source types to corroborate conclusion

Ethical Judgement

Can only summarize events


Lacks an analysis of the moral implications of historical events

Assessment of actions in history considered through only our perspective today Clear assessment of actions with consideration for historical context Clear assessment of actions towards various communities with consideration for historical context


D) How vital were natural resources to British Columbia’s existence? (Primary evidence, significance)

Does Not Meet Minimally Meets Meets Exceeds
Primary Evidence

Does not explain what the source is


Does not explain what the source reveals that answers the inquiry question


Can only provide one source

Simple or general explanation of what the source is


Explains what the source reveals without reference to the historical context of the period it was created in


Limited sources used to corroborate conclusion

Explains what the source is


Explains what the source reveals with reference to the historical context of the period it was created in


Uses multiple sources to corroborate conclusion

Explains what the source is by examining specific details (also author and/or perspective)


Explains what the source reveals with specific and detailed reference to the historical context of the period it was created in


Uses a variety of primary source types to corroborate conclusion


Can only summarize events


Does not highlight the impact that different resources have on the development of B.C.

Limited investigation into the impact of different resources on the development of B.C. Can explain how much of an impact different resources had on the development of B.C. Can explain how much of an impact different resources had on the development of B.C. and its long lasting effects


E) To what extent do periods of growth in Vancouver (or Metro Vancouver) cause periods of heightened racism? (primary sources, cause and consequence)

Does Not Meet Minimally Meets Meets Exceeds
Primary Evidence

Does not explain what the source is


Does not explain what the source reveals that answers the inquiry question


Can only provide one source

Simple or general explanation of what the source is


Explains what the source reveals without reference to the historical context of the period it was created in


Limited sources used to corroborate conclusion

Explains what the source is


Explains what the source reveals with reference to the historical context of the period it was created in


Uses multiple sources to corroborate conclusion

Explains what the source is by examining specific details (also author and/or perspective)


Explains what the source reveals with specific and detailed reference to the historical context of the period it was created in


Uses a variety of primary source types to corroborate conclusion

Cause and Consequence Does not identify or explain why racism in Vancouver existed/exists Examines a limited number of causes that result in racism in Vancouver Explains the different causes that result in racism in Vancouver Explains how much different causes contributed to racism in Vancouver


F) Did British Columbia represent a place of freedom for all groups coming here? (Primary evidence, perspective)

Does Not Meet Minimally Meets Meets Exceeds
Primary Evidence

Does not explain what the source is


Does not explain what the source reveals that answers the inquiry question


Can only provide one source

Simple or general explanation of what the source is


Explains what the source reveals without reference to the historical context of the period it was created in


Limited sources used to corroborate conclusion

Explains what the source is


Explains what the source reveals with reference to the historical context of the period it was created in


Uses multiple sources to corroborate conclusion

Explains what the source is by examining specific details (also author and/or perspective)


Explains what the source reveals with specific and detailed reference to the historical context of the period it was created in


Uses a variety of primary source types to corroborate conclusion


Does not identify what perspective is examined.


Can only summarize events

Examines a limited number of cultural groups


Assessment offered from our perspective today

Examines the attitudes of different cultural groups in the historical context Examines different perspectives of cultural groups in the historical context



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