Amazing Race Canada Project

Canada’s Amazing Race Project

You will use Google MyMaps and an online quiz maker to create an Amazing Race quest for your classmates. Your Project Organizer will be handed in for assessment.  Follow the steps below to create your project in groups of 3:

Step 1:

  • List the different landforms found in each region (Horizons pages 18-23)
  • Locate specific examples of the landforms and images
  • Complete Amazing Race Project Organizer Part A
    • Don’t create question 1 or end clue yet

Step 2:

  • List the major natural resources found in each region  (Horizons pages 18-23)
  • Find sources that show the GDP by industry for each region (one province in each region)
  • Locate one site per region as an example of the natural resources
  • Complete Amazing Race Project Organizer Part B
    • Don’t create question 1 or end clue yet

Step 3:

  • Find out what is a unique or common activity for people in each region (one province in each region)
  • Locate areas where these activities occur in the region
  • Complete Amazing Race Project Organizer Part C
    • Don’t create question 1 or end clue yet

Step 4:

  • Complete Amazing Race Project Organizer Part D
    • for water, look up water usage of the province and treatment methods
  • Record your Primer video (Questions 1-4 from Part D) and make it available online
    • Don’t create question 1 or end clue yet

**only continue to step 5 if all of the above is complete!**

-This is a good time to double check your questions to make sure they’re perfect

Step 5:

  • Create a Google MyMaps and locate your Amazing Race stops
  • Start with a placemarker for Riverside with your instructions on where to start the race and what the first code will be
  • For each location for your quizzes, create a placemarker, name the location and add a picture.
  • For your Part D quiz location, add the link to your Primer video.
  • Click on “Share” and change the settings so that anyone with the link can view
  • Post the shared link on one of your group member’s blogs (note all group member’s names) – make sure the link is live.

Step 6:

  • Complete question 1 and end clue for your quizzes to connect them in a sequence
    • Your question 1 can be anything but will check to see if the players came from the correct previous location.
    • Your end clue will give a statement as to where to go next and what clue to enter in to start the next quiz
    • For your last quiz, tell the player what the final clue is to win

**at this point, your entire organizer should be finalized**

  • Copy your questions from your Project Organizer into an online quiz maker
    • Your group will create 19 separate quizzes
    • Give each quiz a title to stay organized (eg: region-Topography-location, region-Economy-location, region-Identity-location, Environmental Issues-location)
  • Settings for Quiz Maker users:
    • Quiz Type: Trivia/Marked
    • Question Type: “select one”
    • Under Scoring>Grades:
      • label “Grade Title” as Pass
      • Under “Description”, state where to go next and what to enter in for the next question 1
      • change “scores” to percent and put 100% in both boxes
    • Under Settings>Results:
      • Uncheck “show answer for each question”
    • “Create Quiz” and post the shared link to the appropriate location in your Google Map

*TIP: copy and paste the URL of your editing page to a document so you can return to it if needed (otherwise it will be lost forever)

Step 7:

  • Upload all four parts of your Project Organizer to the hand-in folder with your group member’s names in the file name. Password: socials9

Marking Rubric

Does Not Meet Minimally Meets Meets Exceeds

Compare and contrast physical features and different regions of Canada

(6 locations)


Missing regions


Physical features are missing


Cannot connect physical regions to physical features

Limited physical features of the region located


Only gives one example of a physical feature for most regions

Physical features of the region specifically located


Can list other physical features unique to the region

Physical features of the region specifically located and visually shown


Can list other physical features unique to the region with specific site examples

Connections between Canada’s natural resources and major economic activities

(6 locations)


Cannot connect natural resources to regions


Missing regions


Missing major resources particular to a region

Limited knowledge of importance of natural resources for each region


Only gives one natural resource for most regions


No sources cited


Importance of natural resources shown for each region


Shows an understanding of the importance of different natural resources each region


Sources cited



Importance of natural resources shown for each region with specific reference to data


Shows an understanding of the importance of primary vs secondary industries in each region


Sources cited



What effect has the physical geography of Canada had on Canadian and regional identity

(6 locations)


Cannot describe identities that are formed from the physical geography


Missing regions

Well known sites for the all regions shown


Identity explained without reference to the environment

Geographical sites chosen that are indicative of the way of life in each region


Identity for each region explained with reference to the environment

Geographical sites chosen that are indicative of the way of life in each region


Identity for each region explained with reference the environment and to sources that corroborate claims

What perspectives do different groups have on the use of natural resources?

(1 location)

Does not explain which regions are affected by the industry


Missing one of benefits or concerns


Missing one of government or personal solutions


Missing citations

Missing some regions that are significantly affected by the industry


Either benefits or concerns are not described well


Either government or personal solutions are not described well


Missing citations

Explains how regions are affected by the industry


Benefits and concerns of the industry are described with citations


Provides details on government and personal solutions

Explains how regions are affected by the industry


Fully explores the benefits and concerns of the industry with citations


Provides details on government and personal solutions with an explanation on how/why this would improve the sustainability of the industry


Missing most project requirements

Questions show a lack of understanding of the topics

Quest does not work

Missing some project requirements

Questions show a minimal understanding of the topics

Quest has errors but still works

All project requirements fulfilled

Questions show a good understanding of the topics

Organized and working quest

All project requirements fulfilled

Questions show an excellent understanding of the topics

Effort and thought into aesthetics


Professional looking product

/25 Marks

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