To help with this project I brought the green screen and some Lego men. We tried to use the green screen but we couldn’t figure it out. I helped draw the background we used. We draped the background we drew on top of the green screen. I was the voice of Andy’s thoughts and Angela’s voice. I moved the Lego pieces to their new positions while my group took the photos.
Stop Motion – On The Sidewalk Bleeding
Published inEnglish 9
Thank you for posting the “Stop Motion Project” based on your short story unit. I have some observations regarding this piece on a technological perspective, that I wanted to share with you:
– Editing and overall presentation is well done creating a stop motion project
– The audio was clear and easy to understand (like the blending of the narration and character’s voices)
– Professional in format (produces a high quality project using the medium of stop motion)
– Retells the story utilizing the creative fluency (new product)
– Posted and embedded correctly on your Edublog
Thank you for posting!
Mr. Barazzuol
COL Teacher