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Goal Setting

I have chosen to discuss the first pillar, Content Understanding for my midterm self-assessment and goal setting.  

My strengths in both Physics and Pre-Calculus courses are, demonstrating a sophisticated understanding of the content through practice assignments and at white boards. In both Physics and Pre-Calculus 11, I am confident with solving for unknown variables and using previously taught math in new problems. I can consistently demonstrate curiosity in Physics and Pre- Calculus 11. I am continually seeking ways to connect and deepen my learning in Pre-Calculus 11. 

I have room for growth within Physics and Precalculus as well. In both courses I need to work on demonstrating my understanding of the content during class discussions and lessons. I need to improve on applying my math skills to solve problems in Physics and Pre-Calculus as well. In Physics I need to work on seeking ways to connect and deepen my learning past my current understanding. 

One goal that I have within this pillar is to keep track of all the times I have asked questions to further my understanding in physics. I would do this on paper so I could visualize the number of questions I have asked and see how asking more questions helped broaden my knowledge of the subject at hand. Another goal I can set is to keep track of the number of times I participate in class discussions and lessons until the end of the semester. By keeping track of this information, I will be able to see if I have met my goals visually and be able to feel whether I am more comfortable speaking up in a group of people and voicing my opinions and thoughts.  

Revisiting Midterm Goal Setting:

At this point in time, I am still working towards my goal. I feel that I have grown and am beginning to reach it. I did ask more questions in class, and I feel that I participated more in class/group discussions. I tracked when I spoke/asked questions in class throughout the day. I found it was difficult to do so immediately after I spoke as at times it was during a conversation and it would be odd if I took out a notebook to mark down that I had participated. This meant that my records were not entirely accurate. My strategy was to ask questions about things that I was genuinely interested in. I did this because while I could’ve asked many questions about many things for the sake of making it appear as if I had made greater progress toward my goal, I would’ve quickly gotten tired of asking questions and slowly stopped asking questions. I feel that my goal should be slightly modified for future courses. I would modify it by making it less of a constant tracking of every time I speak, to tracking whether I speak in each class. Meaning if I spoke in class, no matter how many times, I would mark it as speaking for the day. I would like to continue to focus on this goal for my future courses, but with only keeping track of my speaking per class instead of each time I participate in each class. 


Published inGrade 11Math 11Physics 11Science 11Self-Assessment

One Comment

  1. Derek

    Fantastic summary Ayden! I think your goal tracking is a great plan, good luck and keep up the quality work.

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