Public broadcasting is a service funded by the government involving the forms of radio, television, podcasts, and many other electronic-media outlets with the primary task of public service. Canada’s public broadcaster is CBC. In 1952 CBC completed their first ever televised broadcast. CBC released their first closed caption programs in 1981. An advantage of public broadcasting is that it is most often solely funded by the government. Public broadcasters have no need of advertising to create a profit for this reason and are able to publish whatever they would like with no worries about popularity. Some people might not agree with public broadcasting because it is told through the perspective of the country broadcasting so there will be only Canadian opinions on all matters. A way public broadcasting could appeal to the modern audience is by publishing stories about current world events that are better at obtaining the attention of younger people.
Public Broadcasting Introduction
Published inEnglish 10
Thanks for your response on Public Broadcasting and the CBC, you seem to have absorbed the information regarding this platform for media.
Mr. Barazzuol
English Teacher