Being Pretty is a short film portraying a dystopian world. The premise of the story is speculative fiction which tells kids to be “Pretty” and not be “Ugly” – in the dystopian world of Being Pretty individuality is a crime. Pretty people are simple-minded law-abiding citizens. Children are shown propaganda to encourage them to follow government policies. If the children do not become “Pretties” they will be “Uglies”. Uglies are people who are killed for being themselves. This film contains a sub-genre featuring dystopian fiction, “a way to educate and warn humanity about the dangers of current social and political structures” (What is Dystopian 2021). The corrupt society depicted in Being Pretty is dystopian. The film has a government of robots that kills individuals for being themselves. This conveys an unequal social structure and represents abuse of power. This film fits under the term dystopia as it depicts a world in the near future where the government has complete control and are attempting to give its citizens the illusion of living in a utopia.
Speculative Fiction – Dystopia
Published inEnglish 10
– Great use of Formal Writing (3rd person pronouns, avoids contractions, avoids abbreviations, elevated language)
– You have done an excellent job of incorporating a quotation as evidence and have integrated it properly, as demonstrated in class.