SS9 core compenticies



Name:ayden Date:






Describe how the artifact you selected shows your strengths & growth in specific core competencies. The prompt questions on the left – or other self-assessment activities you may have done – may guide your reflection process.


I think that the Okanagan-Thompson PowerPoint presentation reflected and demonstrated my thinking competencies the most. I say this because when I was working on the project, whether it was in class or at home, it was a little bit hard to get started working. BUT once I got started and got into a grove, it was relatively easy to get work done. My other problem when doing this project was that it was also a little bit challenging because there was a lot of information that I wanted to write down on the presentation, but with so little room, (on the PowerPoint) I had to pick the BEST info to put into the project. An example of this was whether I would put in the weather in the winter or if it snows here. All these examples and scenarios that I mentioned above represent my thinking skills because I had to be in a quiet place to think about this project. Another way that I had to use my thinking skills was that since it was a group project, I had to think about which region/area I was going to do for my project. In general, though, I would say that this assignment/project was a successful one.  


The way that I think I can develop my thinking skills a little more is by trying to space out my work and do it in bunches instead of doing it all at once. Since I waited until the last minute, (last two classes) it was a little bit stressful as I was trying to wrap it up. Next time I am given a lot of time to work on a project, I need to balance my time better. Doing this will guarantee that I am putting in my best work and there will not be any silly mistakes. Another way that I could possibly develop my thinking skills is by not procrastinating and doing my work right away. 









How does the artifact you selected demonstrate strengths & growth in the thinking competencies?


In what ways might you further develop your thinking competencies?


















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