Rube gorlberg project

This project was completed alongside Kai.

Video of our project

Firstly, the dominios fall down due to the vibration from the phone buzzing. Next, after the dominos fall down, it pushes down the ball on the as it goes down onto the slope. After that, the ball will fall onto the pulley. Following that, the pulley will push down and go onto the lever. There are two magnets on the pulley and the lever. Therefore, it is connected to each other, making the lever work and let the ball go down. Finally, the second ball will go down the slope and fall into the simple step of going into the cup at the end.

The dominos represent kinetic energy

the phone uses electricial energy

the rubber balls uses eleastic energy

pulley use gravitational energy

there are two mangets under the pulley and the lever, therefore using magnetic energy

potential energy uses as and represents as pulley

phones uses sound energy as well

machines are lever, pulley and slope 


Core compenticies ( i chose the thinking competency)


This project demonstrates our communication because since it is a group project, we had to communicate with each other lots. From texting and calling each other lots to figure out what we each need to do so that the work is split evenly, to even coming over to each other’s house and making sure we get everything right in order. Especially in a project where it is quite complicated in terms of what we are doing, i think communication was a very key and important part for this project. When building this rube Goldberg project, my partner had to talk to each other lots to make sure everything was in order, from the dominios going down, to making sure the pulley was right. Another way where communication was important was when we were building and designing the rube golberg. We had to make sure we agreed on everything before moving on and to avoid arguing about what goes into the project, we both had equal say on everything.  



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