Week 1 – Math 10

Math is a very useful tool to have, whether it is in school, at work, or even sometimes at the grocery store. Some examples that I can come up with are finding the prices and getting the best value for your goods, understanding loans, mortgages and even sometimes how much you are paying for school. Another way that math is super useful is for sports. Coincidentally, baseball is my favourite sport; unfortunately, there is a lot of math involved. Some of the scenarios where math is used in baseball are calculating your batting average, your earned run average, and your fielding percentage. In fact, my coaches sometimes make us do a little bit of the math to figure out our stats! Another very common situation where math can come in handy is when you are cooking or baking. When doing so, you are forced to calculate and find out the proper amount of flour, sugar, baking powder, etc. Especially in baking, you must get the right measurements because if you fail to do so, it could result in your food not being tasty, or even sometimes not edible. The last scenario where math is super important is when you are traveling. In fact, when I was travel to the states, we had to calucuate how long (and how many km) it would take us to drive to the hotel to the baseball field. Math is surprisingly very helpful and you even sometimes do math without realizing it.


Teaching Math with Baking for all ages - Crazy for Crust




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