Posts Tagged ‘Footprint2022’

Digital Footprint


How could social media be used in a positive matter?

Social media can be really helpful and you can use it in a positive matter. It can be used in a positive matter because you can connect with your friends and family. For example, you can chat with your friends and family through instagram and you can post stories and photos to show everyone how you are doing. Social media can also be used in a positive matter by educating a lot of people. There are a lot of helpful things on social media that could help, and educate you. One more way social media can be used in a positive matter is that it could increase your self confidence. People on social media post videos which makes other people feel confident in themselves.



What are some ways you can limit the amount of online content that you are constantly consuming?

To limit the amount of online content that you are consuming is to set a screen time for your phone. You could make a schedule that limits your screen time. If you don’t want to spend a lot of time on social media, then you could set the screen time for a couple hours on the social media’s that you would like to take a break on. This will be better for your mental health and you wouldn’t spend so much time on your phone.



What strategies could you use to protect your own identity
when using social media?

To protect your identity, the first strategy that could help is by setting any of your social media accounts to private mode. Having a private account on any social media you have would be great for protecting your identity and keeping you safe. It would also be best to not share any personal information about yourself to people you don’t know. Another thing you shouldn’t do that could risk your identity is to not text random people that you do not know; it is really important to keep your identity safe.


Credits: Photo 1 by Cottonbro. Photo 2 by George Milton. Photo 3 by Thought Catalog. Photo 4 by Mikoto.raw.  Photo 5 by Ola Dapo. Photo 6 by Tranmautritam