April 2024 archive

Final Self Assessment Goal Review and Reflection

Goal Setting:

Pillar 4: 

My current strengths are that I always come to class prepared and I want to do really well in this course. I ask questions when I do not understand something in order for me to succeed. My future growth is that I want to try my best not to get too distracted during class. Sometimes I struggle to stay focused. For example, when we are working on an assignment and I get a notification from my phone, I end up scrolling for a little while. So, in the future I would like to stay more focused. My goal is to stay away from my distractions when I am working on an assignment, that way I can get my work done quicker.

Review of my Midterm Goal:

I think that I did reach my goal. For example, when we were working on the Rube Goldberg project, I did not go on my phone because I wanted to get my project done as soon as possible. I would say that I improved and made progress towards my goal by making sure to not check my phone when I would get a notification. I don’t think there was any other way I could have done things differently because I already reached my goal. I also did everything I could to make sure I did not get distracted. I made sure to stay motivated when finishing my project before going on my phone. So, I would not have changed anything because I proved to myself that I can stay focused and not let my phone distract my work time.