For this project, I was in a group with Kate, and Kaye and we created a 3D electric house. We made a house with three rooms. One bathroom, bedroom and kitchen.
Define: What was the challenge?
For this project, the challenge was when we were trying to find something to hold the battery in place. We needed to hold the battery in place because while one person was testing out the lights and the switches, two of us were holding the battery but our arms kept shaking which made it hard to properly test out the switches. Since our arms were shaking, it was difficult to keep the wires from separating from the battery.
Dream: What innovative ideas did you have about how this problem could be solved?
We thought of multiple ways to fix our problem. For example, one way was to tape the battery to the wall of the house. After we tried that, the battery was slowly slipping out of the tape so we tried a different method. We then tried to make a small cardboard box that would fit the battery, but it also was not very stable. So, we decided to make a 3D printed battery holder from Tinkercad.
Deliver: How will you package and publish your solution?
While we were using Tinkercad, we created a battery holder using our own design. We chose this design because it was a simple way to insert the battery. But, while we were creating this design, our measurements were off. When we first created the design, we went to the library to print our design, but the librarian told us that our design would be too big for the machine to print. So, we had to resize our design. But when we went there for the second time, the librarian still told us that it would be too big. So we kept trying a couple more times and we finally got our measurements right.
Debrief: How did the process go?
I think that the process of this project was a fun experience, because we got to build something really cool and we had to solve our problems ourself. We all shared our ideas for the designs and we all helped each other out. We worked together to create our 3D battery holder. We also made it so that while the battery was on the holder, none of us needed to hold the wires to attach it to the battery. I think that I really enjoyed this project, because I got to work with other people and share my ideas to create something cool.
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