Protect Life on Land Collaborative Installation
April 2024
Mixed Media Installation (Pinata Mobile)
3D Art Students of Riverside Secondary & AJ Vittie
At Riverside Secondary School the Art Department made a large collaborative project called PROTECT LIFE ON LAND inspired by Global Goal #17—a goal established by global leaders in 2015, that focuses on protecting life on land including biospheres. As part of an action plan, a large installation was made to help inform the public about the issues, and solutions, to this global problem, in a local context.
From September 2023-April 2024 every grade of 3D Art at Riverside Secondary participated in this project. Students chose an animal to research, and then made it into a pinata. Every pinata is made with a cardboard and tinfoil armature, covered in paper mâché, bulked up with homemade paper clay, and painted with acrylic paint. Each pinata is filled with information about what makes its animal a treasure. The ribbons that hang from the animals feature information about the threats to these creatures. Conceptually, one can imagine how pulling on the threats will break the animals apart, revealing the treasure within.
The individual artist statements can be viewed in the silde show to the right.
The installation is on display at the Michael Wright Gallery in Leigh Square from April 26- June 18 2024.