Example of a Textiles Edublog Page

Week #, Date. Title (projects worked on) 

  1. Brief Overview of what you did this week, including photo documentation of process.  A minimum of 3 photos a week.
  2. Your biggest struggle of the week.
  3. Your biggest success of the week.
  4. Goal for next week.

Week 1, September 7. Intro Week

  1. This week I did a scavenger hunt to meet new people. I also toured the studio to learn where stuff is kept. I also made my textiles page in Edublogs.

  1. My biggest struggle this week was technology that did not work. My teams did not show my demo photos.
  2. My biggest success was getting students to complete their edubolg pages.
  3. my goal for next week is to have students begin thier hand stitching, and to study for the Sewing machine Tests.
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