consumable waste

Its insane the amount of food people put to waste. When people waste food it usually releases greenhouse gases which is bad enough but what makes it worse is the fact that most food packaging is usually plastic which doesn’t degrade and usually ends up in our oceans. Not to mention the fact that when you go to a grocery store almost 99 percent of the time they use plastic bags”that is just bad. You can easily help this problem by bringing your own bags. It might sound stupid that basically all food products are packaged in plastic when its destroying the earth”well its really not that simple. Meat is usually packaged on styrofoam with plastic overtop” to make sure it will be safe for people to store it in there fridge for a few days before it goes bad. There are different types of plastic for different types of foods to increase their shelf value all though people usually make that food go to waste. So now we know plastic used for food is to increase the amount of time foods can stay on the shelf we have to know what happens to the plastic when people throw it away. If all goes well the person buys the food then eats the food and then recycles the plastic” well what happens then? The plastic is chopped into pellets and sold and shipped to companies to reuse them” but what they don’t tell you is that lots of that plastic is put into the ocean and killing sea life. Even when you recycle most the time the plastic turns up in the earths landfill. The sad thing is plastic takes an estimate of four hundred fifty days to somewhat decompose but what’s even more sad is it only ruffly decomposes it never fully does. But aside from all of that we have another problem”food waste. its incredibly sad how much food waste there is among grocery stores and chain restaurants and even normal everyday people. After food goes bad grocery stores throw away everything. fast food stores like TimHortans throws away all there donuts after only twenty four hours after they were made. What makes matters worse is that they don’t even give it away they just throw it out. They even put locks around the dumpsters that way homeless people won’t be able to get any which is just cruel” I mean there throwing it out anyways what’s wrong with letting people eat it? Ruffly 218 billion dollars worth of food is thrown away by grocery stores each year including all the plastic packaging contained with it”that’s pretty sad if you ask me. There are some stores that actually donate there food but its very little compare to the stores that don’t. As sad as food waste is there are some ways you can help”most obvious answer being to eat all your food and don’t let it go to waste. Don’t buy unnecessary amounts of food you dot need and you won’t eat. Don’t put new food infront of the old food that way you will finish the old food before it goes bad and move on to the new food after words. use your freezer to store food to increase the value and time before it goes bad. And most importantly if you have food you don’t need never throw it away if its still edible always give it to someone who needs it more then you”its a win win.