My element


1 what are some properties of copper

Copper has a reddish brownish colour with a shine and glow and is known to absorb light. It can also absorb frequencies that are visible.Copper is one of the best known conductors of both heat and electricity making it a common material for wiring.

2 what is copper good for?

copper is great conductor for heat and for the most part copper is used for electrical equipment. Copper is very common for making coins as well as wires. despite the fact where talking about the copper for equipment the element as a whole is very needed for the average body. It will work with iron to create red blood cells which will strengthen there body and help prevent diseases.

3 history of copper

copper was discovered by a man nearly 10000 years ago and was used for mainly decretive purposes in the early stages of discovery. it has now been made a very common part of our current time since a copper wire has 99.9% of purity.

4 is copper good for the environment?

to awnser this question, yes it doesn’t effect the environment is a negative way. It just so happens copper is anti bacterial  and does nothing but good for the environment. Copper has the ability to break down compounds and release into just about anything making it an essential for our environment and bodys.

5 how is copper made

copper is not man made it is mainly found in big open pit mines and most commonly found in South America. After that most the time copper is made into wires but compressing it into a machine which can then shape the copper into wires.

6 benefits of using copper among other metals

copper is a very conductive metal and makes it easy for electricity to pass threw making it great for electronics such as laptops. Copper is also good for the environment and essential to our planet and bodys. Copper will be used in the further to creat things such as solar and hydro and more since its the highest rated electron conductor aside the metals being used in product design

curiosity question

how does copper help your body, and why is it needed in your everyday life?

copper is a mineral found threw-out your body but most commonly found in your brain heart and kidneys. its extremely important since it plays a huge role in keeping your blood veins flow, it also helps with nerves and maintain healthy bones. All though every single body needs copper sometimes there can be to much copper which can lead to serious health risks. Least harmful thing copper can do is irritate your mouth nose eyes etcetera. Some people need to take copper pills when there body needs more but if you have a normal amount coper pills won’t be needed.


what’s the element makeup of copper?

coppers symbol is Cu and is a part of the chemical element.

where is copper used? copper is used in most motors as well as just about most wiring systems. Its main purpose are things that involve conducting heat.

when and where was copper discovered

copper was discovered around 10,000 years ago by a man. It was first used by Sumerians.

what are some unique features of copper? Copper is great for conducting electricity and its special since its good for the environment.

what are some well known facts about copper

copper is essential nutrition for the human body

copper is 100% recyclable metal

coppers colour is rare among others

sources used for all research




One thought on “My element

  1. Isn’t it interesting how important copper is to our bodies! Great information fluency post. I really like how you have found some great sub-questions to lead you to get a well-rounded perspective on your topic. You have shared some digital tools and cited your sources. Adding a debrief could have helped you consider what you did well and what you could have improved upon.

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