Week 8- Properties Of Quadratic Functions

This week we started learning about quadratic functions and their properties associated with them. What is a quadratic function? A quadratic function can be mathematically defined to be and what makes this function a quadratic? It’s degree of 2, in fact algebraically speaking, any equation, polynomial expression, function etc that can be identified as a […]

Week 7- The discriminant

The discriminant was an interesting and new concept that we haven’t explored thus far as pre-calculus 11 students, however I personally found it was a relatively simple concept to understand. The discriminant is essentially the radicand of the root used in the the quadratic equation The purpose of the discriminant is to tell you how […]

Week 6 – The Quadratic Formula

The quadratic formula is as follows: This formula is one of three essential ways you can solve a quadratic equation (the other two being factoring and completing the square). Using the quadratic formula is most often the second most preferable method to solve a quadratic equation second only to factoring. The first step to solving […]

Week 5 – Solving Radical Equations

The solving of radical equations can be difficult to maneuver at times and understanding what each consecutive step may potentially look like can sometimes prove more challenging. The main ideas to remember when working to solve a radical equation are as follows; what you do to one side of the equation you must do to […]

Week 3- Absolute Value

This week in pre-calculus 11 we covered the concept of absolute values. The absolute value can be defined as “the principle square root of the square of a number or rather . In simpler terms, the absolute value represents how many units away from zero the given number is.  The symbol used to represent absolute […]