English 10 Sonnet- Mornings

Mornings Unwillingly I wake, the light too strong Scorching my retinas, I hide my eyes My White duvet unhelpful I prolong The sun, I prey, can’t seap in from the skies My alarm resonates loud to raw ears It provoques a most irritating pain I move too crawl out from my cocoon sphere the ice […]

Week 3 – integral exponents

this week we worked on exponent laws and using exponent laws to define negative exponents. We learned how to take whole exponents that are negative and turn them into positive fractions where the numerator is 1 and the denominator is the base from the original expression to the power of the same exponent but in […]

Week 1- prime factorization

You can apply prime factorization into many sections of math, this week we learned how to use prime factorization to prove certain numbers are perfect squares, we did this via tree diagrams and division tables. Although I find division tables to be more straight forward, we used a tree diagram to demonstrate that 44 100 […]