Biomes of the world


During this assignment what I thought worked well was communication. I found it very important to be able to communicate deadlines, expectations and other criteria for our project. We really needed to work together to produce something we were proud of. If one person didn’t follow instructions or come through in time it would have the whole group stranded. That’s why we needed to focus and not get sidetracked to be able to know our responsibilities and jobs.
In top of this I think the equal workloads made the project easier. We all knew what we had to get done. It was simple and straight forward to do our own task, which was better in my opinion than scrambling to complete multiple aspects of the assignment.
What I thought didn’t work well or something we could’ve worked on was class time use. I believe we communicated well what we had to get done and when it needed to be done by, but I think we could’ve gotten even more done with higher quality if we had not wasted any class time. Sometimes I felt like we weren’t making the most of our time. Focusing can be tricky, especially during group projects. I think we should’ve had better time management so that we didn’t have to stress or rush as much.
Overall, this project was not only fun, but helped to build leadership, teamwork and responsibility skills, but it was also fun to be able to come together with fellow classmates to produce something we were proud of.

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