
A cage is no good place to keep a bunny
Magic man takes his hat without a care
Nothing to do but beg for one small nibble
Breathe in the smell of carrots in the air

The pet won’t want to work without his pay
His partner doesn’t treat him quite so fair
Without a snack his feet are glued in place
Just climbing up a never ending stair

Oh magic man why’d you have to do this
Your helper only wants to be your friend
He can’t stand the way he’s being treated
He’s doing what it takes to take a stand

Toes crunch and fingers crack in groups of three
A fire burning behind his hazel eyes
The wizard gets the wrath of his small victim
Zipping closed his lips to hide his cries

In the blink of an eye he starts to dangle
Suspended in the air by just one rope
The second it snaps he takes a lonely tumble
The bunny is his last and only hope

Oh magic man why’d you have to do this
Your helper only wants to be your friend
He can’t stand the way he’s being treated
He’s doing what it takes to take a stand

Rabbit saves the day just like a hero
Rescuing the falling man, oh yes it’s true
A reward is only fair for his devotion
A crunchy orange treat will have to do