Foods ad – Apples Isabelle, Savannah, and I’s Fruit and vegetable ad for apples!

Eggs at home

Bacon wrapped egg bites           These little bites are the perfect mix of crispy flavourful bacon and fluffy stuffed egg. Bacon wrapped egg bites   Fried egg sandwich               The fried egg sandwich is a delicious crispy and slightly spicy sandwich, perfect for a midday-pick-me-up. […]

Consumable waste

In todays society, the waste from food leftovers and its packaging is often overlooked or ignored. We don’t pay attention to how much waste we actually produce. Food we eat daily including junk food like chips, cans of pop, and individually wrapped candies – and also healthier stuff like eggs in a carton, and milk, […]

Visual safety guide

In the kitchen, safety is a very important thing to remember. There are numerous dangers when cooking including hot surfaces, knives, tripping hazards, and more!  Here are 5 important safety tips to always remember. Always keep your mask on whenever food is out in class. Especially because of  COVID-19 diseases can be easily transferred from […]