Neuron Structure and Function

Neuron Structure

There are three different types of neuron structures; Interneuron, motor neuron, and sensory neuron. All neurons have the same parts but they may be located in different places on the neuron. On interneurons, they may be lacking an axon, myelin sheath etc. because the neurons do not have to stretch as far throughout the brain as a motor or sensory neuron.

Parts of a neuron:

Cell body/Soma – genetic info, holds neuron structure, energy for activities

Nucleus – neuronal protein synthesis, contains genetic material, guides axon hillock which generates impulses through the brain

Myelin Sheath – increases the rate of conduction of action potentials for central and peripheral nervous system neurons, allows electrical impulses to move quickly down the axon.

Schwann’s cells – surround neurons and keeps them alive, Major glial cell type in peripheral nervous system, an essential role in development, maintenance, function and regeneration of peripheral nerves.

Axon Terminal – Releases neurotransmitters that relay signals across synapse, specialized chemicals called neurotransmitters intially contained in synaptic resides here.

Axon Terminal Button – provide synapses between neurons

Node of Ranvier – Gaps in the myelin sheath, allow ions to diffuse in and out of the neuron propagating the electrical signal down the axon

Axon – Carry electrical impulses that are the means of communication within the brain and brain to body

Dendrites – Receive synaptic imputs from axon, total of dendritic inputs determine whether the neuron will do action potential.

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