The Veldt podcast

In English/COL my friend Ella and I were challenged to make a podcast about the short story we studied as a class, The Veldt. We decided to name it book talk since after all, we are talking about a book/short story. Book talk is a podcast where we picked apart Ray Bradbury’s The Veldt. We discussed the thematic aspects of the story and connections to the book and modern world. The two of us worked to uncover the deeper meanings behind The VeldtI had a lot of fun recording this for you and hope that you like it!











Core competency English honours 9

4 thoughts on “The Veldt podcast

  1. Thank you for posting your “Literature Podcast” based on your short story unit. As the assignment was completed for both English 9 and COL, I have the following feedback for you on the post:

    – All elements of the assignment’s post were well done and properly uploaded
    – Reflection on blog somewhat explains process taken to complete the assignment
    – Podcast cover is creative in design (loved the design and the colour scheme)
    – Clear audio and delivery
    – Mixing of background sounds and audio is good
    – Podcast is well done and your sponsor message made me laugh (happy injections)

    Overall, this assignment was well done. If you have any questions, please let me know.

    Thank you!

    Mr. Barazzuol
    COL Teacher

  2. My only suggestion is a more thorough description explaining how you completed the project!
    Thank you!

    Mr. Barazzuol
    COL Teacher

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