Visual safety guide

In the kitchen, safety is a very important thing to remember. There are numerous dangers when cooking including hot surfaces, knives, tripping hazards, and more!  Here are 5 important safety tips to always remember.

  1. Always keep your mask on whenever food is out in class. Especially because of  COVID-19 diseases can be easily transferred from person to person. A very easy way for this to happen is through eating contaminated food from others. If someone sneezes without wearing a mask overtop of food they are preparing, they could get others sick. Even just breathing over food can transfer some diseases. Masks stop this from happening.Image result for person with mask preparing food cartoon
  2. Cut knives away from you. When preparing food that you need to cut, make sure to cut away from you. If you cut towards yourself, you risk cutting your leg as its in the direction the knife is pointing. If you cut away, there is nothing to possibly accidentally slice through.Image result for cutting food clipart
  3. Keep chairs tucked in desks. When ever you leave your desk, make sure to tuck in your chairs. If everyone left their chairs out, they would be filling the isles and people would be tripping all over the place with no where to walk.Image result for push in chair clipart
  4. Turn pot/pan handles away from other burners and the kitchen area, and instead to the left or right side of the stovetop. If you face the handle to be on top of another burner, the handle will heat up and you will burn yourself once you touch it. And if the handle is in the isle someone could potentially knock it down, flipping the pot into the ground.  Image result for cartoon pan on stove
  5. Never leave anything electric on burners. Leaving things like the cord on a kettle, or toaster on top of a stovetop, runs the risk of starting an electrical fire, which isn’t easy to put out.Image result for cartoon pan on stoveAnd those are 5 of some of the most important things to remember when cooking!

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