Practice – News

Evil Monkey Gone Rogue

By Audrey Giles


Sly the monkey from Happy Science Institution had an outburst yesterday afternoon when Coco elementary was visiting the observatory, the children decided to poke fun at Sly, aggravating him and then the  situation took a turn when the chimp decided to throw clay at the wall and write something inappropriate on the glass. 


Happy Science is known as a place for non-animal testing, but after this incident, the institution is being questioned. “My face flushed red when I read the writing on the wall”, says Cindy Mc Meale, the Coco elementary teacher who witnessed the scene, “I quickly rushed the students off the next exabit”. Sly is one of the most advanced chimps at the facility. Vern, Sly’s keeper thinks that Sly should not interact with the public because the consequences to Sly’s actions are taken very seriously and he has to have things he enjoys doing like pottery taken away from him, “Sly is my favourite chimp. He is brilliant and fierce. People don’t really understand him. He is sweet and has emotions just like us. He shouldn’t be treated as an animal, but as a human”. 


The investigation is on-going. Because of the events that have occurred, the awareness for animal cruelty is being recognized from people around the world. ACFF (Animal Cruelty Free Foundation) is a local organization is aware of the situation and is looking to host a fundraiser about animal cruelty. Visit for more information. 

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