Interconnectedness is when everyone/everything is connected. Most things have a chain reaction since everything is connected. The one part of a food chain rely on each other. If you remove on part of the food web, some other parts of the web might disappear. I remember watching a video called “how wolves change rivers” in grade 8. It tells you about what happened when they reintroduce wolves in Yellowstone National park after 70 years of not being there. A few things that changed without the presence of the wolves were the number of deer went up due to the fact that there were nothing to hunt them, and the vegetation reduced to almost nothing. When they reintroduced the wolves, a bunch of things changed. The behavior of the deer changed, some of the tree’s height quintupled in just 6 years, the wolves killed coyote which meant the number of rabbit and mice went up. There is much more that changed and it tells you the rest in the video. I think this video is a good way to show what happens when you remove something from a food web and when you add it back in.
Sustainability is taking care of your resources and making sure it lasts for the future. First people make sure that they cherish and take care of their resources so that they know that they will have enough for their future and the future of their children, grand-children, ect. If we dont take care of our resources we wont have enough for the future. If we cut down trees to make money and we keep cutting them down because people think we need more money but we dont. We might end up cutting too many trees down and not plant any so there wont be enough oxygen for everyone on earth to breathe and there will be so much carbon dioxide it will get hard to breathe. If we don’t decrease the amount of fossil fuels and wood that we are burning we create even more carbon dioxide. We need to plant trees instead of cut them down, burn less fossil fuels and wood, and take care of our environment. We need to take inspiration from the first peoples and take care of out land so we have enough resources for the next 7-8 generations.